EPF wants to improve itself, seeks public comment


KUALA LUMPUR: The Employee Provident Fund (EPF) is seeking public comment to help improve and redesign the EPF scheme for the future.

In a statement, EPF said its 2020 EPF Public Consultation Survey, which runs online for eight weeks starting October 8, is in line with its vision of helping members achieve a better future, while at At the same time, it safeguards your savings and delivers excellent results. services.

EPF Strategy Director Nurhisham Hussein said “We are aware that the needs of our members change depending on their life circumstances, age or career progression.

“In addition to the needs of the members, the work landscape and work culture have changed with the adoption of technology and economic conditions.

“The time has come to review the EPF scheme and, to get it right, we have to solicit public opinion,” he said in a statement on Monday (October 12).

Nurhisham said the last time EPF conducted a survey was in 2015, which at the time “was the largest public consultation ever conducted in Malaysia.”

“The well-being of our members is important to us and we believe that the best way to serve them better is to return to the public, including Malaysian and non-Malaysian members.

Nurhisham also noted that the survey focused on issues that members have come to their attention in recent years.

“While we have done our best to respond with various innovations and service enhancements, we believe that we can improve further by asking more specific questions related to the heart of member aspirations.

“So for this year’s survey, we have questions that cover areas like contributions, withdrawals, dividends, and the structure of the EPF account.

“We want to emphasize that the survey is for the public, whether or not they are contributors to the EPF, as we want to listen to everyone to design an EPF scheme that is inclusive and sustainable,” he said.

The EPF Public Consultation Survey 2020 is open until November 30 for all Malaysians and non-Malaysians working in the country via https://survey2020.kwsp.gov.my.
