Employers are being told to beware of intermediaries offering Covid-19 testing


KUALA LUMPUR: Employers should be wary of private non-health companies and intermediaries offering Covid-19 screening services, the Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) said.

The President of MMA, Prof Datuk Dr Subramaniam Muniandy (pix) said these private companies had targeted struggling GPs and tried to squeeze them for the lowest possible professional fees to get a larger share of employers.

“MMA is deeply concerned that if professional fees are not charged based on work performed, they may not cover screening costs and this may lead to compromise on quality of care.

“In fact, it is less difficult for employers to directly discuss professional fees with general practitioners, as the fees of intermediaries will not be included,” he said in a statement today.

He said that according to the Social Security Organization (Socso) mandatory Covid-19 screening program for foreign workers, RTK Antigen kits were provided free of charge to participating GPs and only employers were charged fees. professionals.

Currently, there are 626 clinics on Socso’s panel for screening of foreign workers and the full list is available on their website www.psp.perkeso.gov.my

“We wish to remind the public that RTK Antigen swab testing can only be performed by trained healthcare professionals and under strict infectious disease prevention guidelines from the Ministry of Health.

“MMA warns that a person may be at serious risk of injury, health problems, or a false negative result if swab tests are performed incorrectly,” he said. – Called
