Elected Representatives Lured By Monetary Policy, Says Former DPM Musa Hitam


Former Deputy Prime Minister Musa Hitam says monetary policy has become more rampant as the next general election looms. (Photo by Bernama)

KUALA LUMPUR: Elected representatives jumping from parties are making fun of politics in the country and this is related to monetary policy, according to former Deputy Prime Minister Musa Hitam.

He said monetary policy is a practice that gains momentum every time a general election looms, adding that the issue has now gotten out of hand.

“It is not about politics or ideology. It could be the ideology of money. That is possibly what is happening now, ”he told Mingguan Malaysia in an interview.

He added that the rewards now were no longer small as in the past.

“This will happen more frequently as the general elections approach.”

Comparing the current political situation to that of the “musical chairs”, Musa expressed his displeasure, saying that elected representatives who switch sides scoff at national politics.

“I am getting bored with the whole situation. I once said that what politicians are doing is as if they are ‘the main masak-masak’ (child’s play kitchen) in politics.

“They are playing politics, for their own interest, for their own survival,” Musa said.

On Umno’s future, Musa believes that one way to revitalize the party was to take a principled stand and ask leaders facing criminal charges to stand aside until proven innocent.

“Only then will Umno be able to regain the public’s trust. Only with that the public can respect us ”, the report quotes it.

Musa was referring to his former president Najib Razak, who was convicted of seven counts related to money laundering and abuse of power.

Others include incumbent President Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, who faces 47 charges related to corruption, criminal breach of trust, and money laundering, as well as former Federal Territories Minister Tengku Adnan Mansor, who was convicted of a corruption charge of 2 million. ringgit.

Musa, who resigned as deputy prime minister in 1986, said there are currently serious infighting in Umno.

He said that this had resulted in the party now having three factions.

“One is made up of ‘Puritans’ who believe in the true spirit of the party, the second is made up of the current top leaders, and the third is made up of capable leaders who have not been given the opportunity to step forward.” .

Musa said another way to revitalize the party is to allow young and capable leaders to take over their leadership.
