Dual citizens could be planning to cause trouble


KOTA KINABALU: Police are not ruling out the possibility that multiple people from a neighboring country with dual citizenship will enter Sabah to vote and create problems during Saturday’s elections.

Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Abdul Hamid Bador (pix) said there were rumors that this group has an agenda to support certain parties in the 16th Sabah state election.

He warned that severe action would be taken against any individual who entered Sabah to create trouble.

“If we arrest them and confirm that they have dual citizenship, we will cancel their identity card and deport them from Malaysia.

“Never try to disrupt the democratic process in this country,” he told reporters after observing the early voting process in the Senior Officers’ Dining Room at the Sabah Police Headquarters in Kepayan here today.

Abdul Hamid said 270 policemen and men were unable to participate in early voting today because they are in quarantine.

“Some are in Lahad Datu and some are in Kota Kinabalu. They have been quarantined because they participated in operations to arrest foreigners who subsequently tested positive for Covid-19, “he added.

He said the early voting process had gone smoothly across the state.

“I hope all the officers and men go out to vote early. I feel like the weather can change at any moment and it might rain. The sooner (they vote) the better, ”he said.

Abdul Hamid also advised the public to keep an eye out for the Covid-19 threat.

“Do not let your guard down when you attend the campaigns, as Covid-19 continues to be a threat in view of the increase in cases in Sabah in recent days,” he added.Named
