DSP Media Denies Allegations Of School Violence And Dating Rumors About APRIL’s Naeun


DSP Media has opened up about the recent allegations and rumors regarding APRIL’s Naeun.

On March 1, someone shared a post on an online forum and claimed that they were bullied by Naeun during elementary school. The creator of the publication (hereinafter referred to as “A”) stated: “In my sixth year of elementary school, Naeun cursed me for no reason, and the so-called ‘criminal group’ that included Naeun always condemned me to the ostracism. “

A wrote that they were afraid to go to school in case the group of children, including Naeun, were to curse A again. A continued, “I think what I experienced was school violence, and I think it is right that I receive an apology. . Physical violence is not the only type of violence. ”Naeun’s elementary graduation photo shared to prove they were classmates.

On a different occasion, a screenshot of an online conversation shared in 2013 between someone by the name of Lee Na Eun and another person appeared on an online community. In the picture, Lee Na Eun writes as a threatening response to the other person’s comment, “Do you also want to be sexually assaulted by Go Young Wook?” Go Young Wook is a singer and entertainer who sexually assaulted a minor.

DSP Media issued a statement addressing both issues. The statement is titled, “An Official Statement Regarding Go Young Wook’s Manipulated Photograph and Allegations of School Violence.” Read it below:

Hello. This is DSP Media.

On the morning of March 2, through the ELPS law firm, the company filed criminal complaints against cases in which manipulated malicious posts and false information about our artist were spread.

Our artists are being deeply hurt by distorted and malicious fake posts. From the moment we publish this announcement, we will crack down on all posts that contain malicious slander and false information about our artists, as well as the spread of these posts. There will be no indulgence or negotiation.

DSP Media also denied rumors that Naeun was dating former A-JAX member Yoonyoung.

Following allegations that former APRIL member Hyunjoo was bullied by her bandmates before leaving the group, Yoonyoung posted on her social media in defense of the APRIL members.

He wrote, “I’m sorry Hyunjoo, but I have to say this. I feel so bad for him [members] thank you. While I was DSP Media, I watched the APRIL process. They couldn’t practice because [Hyunjoo] it frequently went off the radar, and its scheduled activities were often compromised by it. Being sick and weak. It’s okay. But then you should hurry up and say that you will quit. But she wanted to move on and just wanted to do easy things. How can you do that when you are a team, not a solo act? “

Yoonyoung went on to say that Hyunjoo didn’t work as hard as he should have. He told her, “You wanted to shine alone, but for the members, the group and their fans came first.”

After Yoonyoung shared her post, netizens found photos she took with Naeun on her social media, leading to speculation that they were dating.

In response to the rumor, a source from DSP Media stated to YTN Star, “The dating rumor between Naeun and Yoonyoung is not true. It’s just a rumor that has spread online. “

Yoonyoung debuted in 2012 with DSP Media’s boy group A-JAX, which disbanded in 2019. He is currently serving in the military.

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Top Photo Credit: Xportsnews

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