DSP Media Announces Legal Action Against Former APRIL Member Hyunjoo And Her Family


DSP Media has announced its intention to sue the family and friends of former APRIL member Hyunjoo over recent allegations that Hyunjoo had been bullied by the other APRIL members.

Warning: discussion about suicide.

On February 28, someone who identified himself as Hyunjoo’s younger brother wrote a post claiming that Hyunjoo had been bullied by the other APRIL members. Another person claiming to be Hyunjoo’s former classmate made similar accusations. DSP Media denied all allegations of bullying.

On March 3, DSP Media released a statement announcing legal action against the individuals who made the allegations online.

Hi, I’m DSP Media.

This is our official statement on the controversy over Lee Hyunjoo.

Even after multiple posts uploaded by Lee Hyunjoo’s family and someone claiming to be his former classmate, the agency fulfilled its duties towards its artist by meeting Lee Hyunjoo and his mother twice.

Lee Hyunjoo insisted on her one-sided claims that she was the only victim and demanded a statement that was not true. Despite this, the agency wanted to continue discussions with her. But after the person who identified himself as Lee Hyunjoo’s brother uploaded another one-sided post in the early hours of March 3, we determined that the situation could no longer be resolved through dialogue.

The agency has done everything possible to protect both Lee Hyunjoo and the APRIL members. But from now on, we will take strong legal action in criminal and civil lawsuits against Lee Hyunjoo, as well as his family members and acquaintances who have spread these allegations online.

We apologize to all the fans who love and support our DSP Media artists. We will work towards a solution that does not waste the time we have spent together.


Previously, on March 3, the person claiming to be Hyunjoo’s younger brother shared a second post criticizing DSP Media’s earlier response to the allegations. In response to the agency’s claim that Hyunjoo had been persuaded to become an idol despite wanting to be an actress, she said that Hyunjoo had gone to the agency several times prior to her debut to ask to be removed from the group because she was being intimidated. not because she wanted to be an actress.

He also responded to the agency’s statement that Hyunjoo had caused difficulties for the team due to his physical and mental health. He said that after the agency ignored Hyunjoo’s reports of the bullying and persuaded her to stay with the group, the bullying had gotten worse and Hyunjoo had developed abnormal symptoms due to stress. She claimed that when Hyunjoo broke down during work, the staff and members didn’t take her to the hospital right away and simply left her there, and that Hyunjoo was forced to go to hospitals and seek treatment herself. She added that she had been reluctant to take the prescribed medication because it made her sleepy and she couldn’t afford to miss practice or work.

He also referred to the agency’s statement regarding Hyunjoo’s eventual departure from the group, saying that the agency had given him an ultimatum to participate in “Tinkerbell” promotions despite his poor health or to leave the group. As the bullying got worse, he wrote, Hyunjoo slept and showered at the agency instead of going back to the dorm. He said that she had attempted suicide at the time and that the agency had gone to the hospital afterward and told her to go to work. Unable to continue, she wrote, she decided at that point to leave the group.

She also wrote about the agency’s claims regarding the glass and the shoes, saying that both items had been clearly marked Hyunjoo and that the members had used them without permission and punished her when she tried to point it out. He repeated his claims that the agency had ignored Hyunjoo’s reports of the harassment and that the manager had been a bystander.

He concluded by saying that he would attach his sister’s hospital documents as evidence because the agency refused to admit wrongdoing or responsibility. He added that he wanted the members and the agency to apologize and reflect on his actions.

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