Drag those behind the failed emergency move over the embers


YOUR OPINION | ‘Why only the two (Hamzah and Azmin) to resign? Why not the whole cabinet?

COMMENT | To reset the scene, Muhyiddin should eliminate Hamzah and Azmin

Proarte: This article by DAP leader Liew Chin Tong does not see wood from trees. Liew is known to have a close and respectful working relationship with then-Interior Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, but nevertheless, he could not see that the ‘Sheraton Move’ was on the way.

It is obvious that Muhyiddin was blatantly lying in his interaction with Liew. This is the problem with the DAP: they were in awe, or more appropriately, dumbfounded to be with the same government and rub shoulders with former bigwigs from Umno and the ‘Mahafiraun’.

If Liew, the ‘DAP strategist’, did not listen to the audio recording of Muhyiddin discussing the ‘Sheraton Move’ with Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, then he has no right to call himself a strategist.

In that recording it was clear that Muhyiddin and Mahathir were on the same page in terms of betraying Pakatan Harapan and causing his collapse, but they only differed on the timing of the move. Muhyiddin led the discussion confidently, saying that he was convinced that he could enlist the support of his former colleagues from Umno.

The audio recording was a sham anyway, aiming to show that Mahathir and Muhyiddin had differences of opinion, again only to fool gullible people in Harapan. The fact is, Mahathir was the main architect of the ‘Sheraton Move’. Mahathir’s goal was to destroy the chances of the PKR leader, Anwar Ibrahim, to become prime minister and to undermine the growing acceptance of DAP by all races.

If anyone has to resign, it is Muhyiddin, the Sheraton Move mascot, along with ‘cheerleaders’ Azmin Ali and Hamzah Zainudin.

Muhyiddin lost credibility in the eyes of the rakyat following the betrayal of the ‘Sheraton Move’ and now, with Yang di-Pertuan Agong’s rejection of the Emergency, Muhyiddin has lost any vestige of credibility and is practically an easy target.

When Muhyiddin resigns, which will likely be very soon, Azmin and Hamzah will also automatically fall from their position.

Macky: I do not agree with this article by Liew. Why did only the two (Hamzah and Azmin) quit? Why not the whole cabinet? Anyway, this government has never had the legitimacy to be there.

Don’t even think about saving the political class, including yourself, Liew. Nothing less than a vote of confidence in Parliament for whoever is the prime minister, or go to the elections.

Let’s review everything, including the once weak NP government, which could not save itself from the clutches of its own power.

Fair play: Liew, look on the bright side. When a ship is about to sink, the first action the captain would do is to dump all excess baggage into the ocean to lighten the ship and thus stay afloat longer.

Sooner or later, Muhyiddin has to make that decision about Hamzah and Azmin, and a few others as well.

Hang Babeuf: “To reset the scene, Muhyiddin should eliminate Hamzah and Azmin”, and then, like a good Roman, fall on his own sword.

Enough of you! Please go! Now! That’s what failed generals and exposed conspirators are supposed to do.

MP SPEAKS | Why did PM hold an emergency meeting like a thief at night?

EM: “Why did PM hold an emergency meeting like a thief at night?” asked DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang.

Muhyiddin, stressed beyond his capacity by a collapsing economy, the rapidly increasing number of infections after Sabah’s engineered disaster and the raging flames of conspiracy politics, has exposed himself for what he really is: a Narrow-minded pawn whose ambition jumps and little else shaped his choice of political thugs as co-conspirators.

Now faced with the endgame when his fair weather friends (in low places) demand his pound of meaty positions, he resorts to the old trick that corrupt regimes have always used to get rid of their enemies, as in the case of the prime minister. from Sarawak, Stephen Kalong. Ningkan in 1966.

Perversity requires secrecy, the cover of darkness, and stealth. Only when the plot has thickened enough to be served will the conspirators and their many enablers emerge from the darkness, whether in a well-lit Sheraton hotel or a glittering, glittering palace. We have seen it all before.

As Stan Grant wrote on ABC earlier this week: “The virus of tyranny has already been found in the bloodstream of liberal democracies.”

Head hunter: It is time for all Malaysians to call on the Muhyiddin regime to resign. They have shown that they are terribly lousy in running the country.

His cabinet is full of non-artists. Nobody knows how each of the members of his cabinet is performing because they are like hibernating bears. Either they make a fool of themselves or they just sleep at work. Resign before destroying the country beyond repair.

CucuMalaysia: One hand cannot clap. If Muhyiddin wasn’t greedy for power and crazy for being PM8, he wouldn’t have conspired with (not listened to) the King of the Frogs.

A man of goodness is like an oak tree, sturdy and unshakable even in the strongest wind.

ZainiHussin: We salute you, Lim. His approach shows that he really cares more about Malaysia and Malaysians than those politicians who yell empty racist rhetoric over and over, but don’t care about Malaysia or Malaysians.

They are there simply to line their pockets and get rich. Our Agong should have called him for advice in these difficult circumstances.

OrangeHawk3664: Overcoming the challenges of getting Budget 2021 approved may be the last thing on Muhyiddin and his cronies’ mind to implement a state of emergency.

The continuity of him as prime minister and his cronies in the cabinet are the drivers of all the policies implemented since the PN took power.

Vice President Biden: In the days gone by, ‘Soldiers of the night‘(night soldiers) referred to those who made an honest living going from house to house to collect human excrement while the inhabitants of the houses slept.

This pile of ‘Soldiers of the night‘are trying to dump excrement at the rakyat and hope to get away with it. Trust no one, only the rakyat can put these politicians in their place.

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