Dr. Noor Hisham: D614G mutation found in more Covid-19 test samples, probably all from the same source | Malaysia


The D614G virus is said to be 10 times more infectious than other types, especially when transmitted by so-called 'super-spreaders'.  - Photo by Reuters
The D614G virus is said to be 10 times more infectious than other types, especially when transmitted by so-called ‘super-spreaders’. – Photo by Reuters

KUALA LUMPUR, September 25 – The test results of 32 Covid-19 positive individuals all contain the D614G mutation, Health Director General Tan Sri Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah revealed today.

In a Facebook post, he said that virology research conducted by the Malaysian Institute of Medical Research (IMR) indicated that the virus found in the 32 samples mirrored that found in the Tawar and Sivagangga groups where the first case of the virus was detected. D614G.

“IMR performed genome tests on the 32 Covid-19 virus samples taken from our isolation and culture process for the Benteng (23), Sivagangga (4) under investigation (PUI), Tawar (3), Sungai (1) and Bukit Tiram (1) clusters.

“As suspected, all 32 virus samples had the D614G mutation.

“Follow-up tests were conducted to study the genetic makeup of the virus that we had isolated and compare it with the previous mutation found in the Tawar and Sivagangga groups.

“As it would happen, all the virus samples that we isolated from these Kedah clusters are interrelated and probably come from the same source,” said Dr. Noor Hisham.

In addition, he said that the 23 Covid-19 virus samples from the Benteng group were found to be similar but had no connection to the virus found in Kedah, although they all had the D614G mutation.

As such, the Ministry of Health continues to test and compare these virus samples with others from the Covid-19 family or Phylogenetic treehe added.

The D614G virus is said to be 10 times more infectious than other types, especially when transmitted by so-called ‘super-spreaders’.

The D614G mutation was discovered by scientists in July 2020 and its appearance is considered a setback for ongoing efforts to formulate an effective Covid-19 vaccine.

In the same Facebook post, Dr. Noor Hisham once again advised the public to continue to adhere to the standard operating procedures (SOPs) introduced to break the chain of Covid-19 infection, such as practicing physical distancing, a good personal hygiene and the use of masks in public places.
