Dr. M ruined it by handing over the nation to backdoor leaders


YOUR OPINION | ‘Now that we’re at the bottom, why are you trying to act like you care?’

Dr. M: The inhabitants of M are starving, the government does not help enough

Jetson: What do you expect from a backdoor government without direction? The Perikatan Nasional (PN) government has spent too much time politicizing and concentrating on protecting its own positions.

Even now, after being responsible for the Covid-19 outbreak in Sabah and bringing the virus back to the peninsula by their irresponsible agents, they are still thinking about fighting for the Batu Sapi parliamentary seat.

How much damage have state elections done? Yet their power-mad and power-hungry leaders still do.

Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, you too must take the blame for this. When we had a functioning administration that was slowly but surely pulling this nation out of the quicksand, things had to be made worse.

Now that the nation is in the background, why are you trying to behave as if you care? You never cared about anything except your own schedule.

Do you really care in which direction this nation is headed and if the people have quality jobs, food, or even education? He ruined it all by handing this nation into the hands of these irresponsible and power-greedy leaders.

So, sit back and watch these leaders take this nation further. This is just the beginning. There will be more businesses closing in the near future, more unemployed people and who knows how they will respond to the situation.

Nine months have passed under this administration. Nothing productive has been accomplished.

Only those in positions laugh all the way to the bank with huge salaries, perks and benefits, while ordinary people suffer the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic and an administration that is in denial mode.

The recently proposed 2021 Budget of RM332 billion of taxpayer money can lift this nation out of the hole it is in. However, we know very well where these funds end up.

Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and the PN government are playing the violin as Malaysia burns.

PW Cheng: Maybe we shouldn’t “belasah”(Thrash) Mahathir when he is saying the right thing. Suggesting a 10 percent cut in wages for high-income people is timely and appropriate. And you want to lead by example by being willing to part with 10 percent of your pension.

On the other hand, we will belasah the “You you“For his excessive intolerance, constantly playing on issues of race and religion, and saying the wrong things, such as his inflammatory words of” Muslims have the right to be angry and kill millions of French people for the massacres of the past. “

Wsoi: @PW Cheng, 95 years old, given the opportunity to be PM for the second time, Mahathir has all the means to get it right, but he’s not willing to do it just for his own ego and selfish goals. Do you really care about the B40 (bottom 40 percent)?

Don’t blame us for not believing him. He is a real drag on the country because he knowingly gave birth to a group of corrupt specialists and dethroned all those who disagreed with him.

The corrupt system he built runs the risk of leading the nation further into disaster.

Eyes wide open: And now you know the extent of the monster you created, Mahathir.

Had he not played politics in February and honored his agreement with PKR President Anwar Ibrahim for a smooth succession, our country might have had a better chance of fighting this pandemic with more level-headed ministers than the pile of garbage. current.

Now, with the exception of the top 10th percentile of the population, everyone else is suffering the loss of income.

Yes, the rakyat are starving and the impact will last for years, not thanks to the power-mad politicians you have engendered.

Anonymous 79: I agree with Mahathir. What the government announced is like previous versions of previous stimulus packages. Not all Malaysians will benefit from it and the allocated amount cannot help most Malaysians to last even a month.

Now the government is asking private sector workers to use our own money to feed us. While government officials are protected by a pension fund, once private sector workers use up all the money in our Employee Provident Fund (EPF), that’s it. Who will support us when we retire?

People who think of this idea are very shortsighted. The definitive solution is to open the entire economy, but so far no one from the government can give us an answer about what the master plan is.

The government cannot continue to borrow money and increase the national debt. And thanks to 1MDB, Malaysians now have more debt to pay.

Brown Puma4932: Not all Malaysians are poor, some are rich. Ask Mahathir, he knows.

As reported, Malaysia ranked fourth among countries that bought from China on 11.11 online shopping day for gross value of merchandise. Malaysia was just behind the United States, Russia and France, according to Alibaba Group news center Alizila.

I think those who spent on the 11/11 sales used money from Bantuan Sara Hidup (BSH). Rightly so, money should be spent in our own country to stimulate our economy.

Quo Vadis: Around the time of the year of the French Revolution in 1789, didn’t Queen Marie Antoinette suggest eating cake as an alternative? What if lobsters in our time and age?

In fact, enough is enough. Eliminate overbearing pomposity and condescension from the vulnerable.

He passed: Just a 10 percent pay cut? That’s it? Is that the best you can ask for, Mahathir? Open your eyes! Some people have lost everything: savings, income, and most of all, hope.

Wsoi: In fact, now we can really see how selfish it is. How can 10 percent of his pension sound great when he and his kids already have several million?

Open your eyes, poor people. Who took your money? Who kept their money in their pockets and still collects their profits through TNB, tolls, Indah Water, and all other taxes?

Are you happily supporting the backdoor government for giving you some pocket money? Well, good luck.

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