Don’t spend money on racial ministries, help all races


YOUR OPINION | “The government should focus on eradicating corruption, which is the biggest enemy in Malaysia today …”

United Senator Wants ‘Pribumi’ Ministry

Angry citizen: Dear Senator of Bersatu, Razali Idris, this beautiful country is made up of multiple ethnic groups and today we stand firm because we live in peace and harmony.

Why do you need to propose another ministry when there are a lot of ministries that are not working as voters would like?

I’d like to see that politicians don’t split the rakyat here. Please promote good governance and protect all Malaysians regardless of their race or religion. Don’t promote hatred and divide the rakyat.

Enough is enough and don’t let our future generations end up without land to call home. Immediately stop looting the rakyat money and the country’s coffers. He works for the rakyat.

EmEmKay: After 63 years of independence, there is no need for a ministry for pribumi affairs. First, the current government should focus on eradicating corruption. Corruption is the biggest enemy in Malaysia today.

Second, focus on unity by treating all citizens equally as Malaysians. Stop preferential treatment for any breed. Third, politicians should stop making racist statements.

Lastly, the government must not neglect the Orang Asli. The needs of the Orang Asli must be of the utmost importance.

EM: So it is finally admitted that Malay majority governments for the last six decades with a succession of Malay Prime Ministers, Malay agencies, Malay chambers of commerce, Malay NGOs, a Malay majority public administration, the New Economic Policy (NEP) and other “affirmative action” policies have failed “to ensure the well-being of Malays, Orang Asli, as well as Sabah and Sarawak bumiputera.”

So instead of doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, Razali should prove that he is not a lunatic by calling for the appointment of some non-Malays who are tasked with doing what politicians like him have failed to achieve.

But then there is the problem of pride (maruah) that does not allow lateral thinking.

RegularRakyat: Great, establish more ministries. Keep spending millions of ringgit, which is actually money earned from the rakyat’s work, on useless endeavors like this.

This new ministry is supposed to stimulate the development of bumiputera but in reality, it will only stimulate the pockets of certain people while squandering the rakyat money.

It is a huge disappointment. No matter how hard we work, our dreams will still not be fulfilled due to the ineptitude of this shortsighted government administration.

GoldenBoy8888: Many councils have been established before that acted as the “Pribumi Ministry”. Not forgetting that we have the Majlis Amanah Rakyat (Mara), the Federal Authority for Land Development (Felda), etc.

All are intended to protect and maximize the benefits of pribumis. It is only a waste of time and money to establish another ministry when governance and integrity are still lacking.

Vice President Biden: Splendid idea. I suggest you take a sheet from Idi Amin’s Ugandan ‘bumiputera’ dream.

Take advantage of the wealth and business of the pendatangs. Then watch the nation stand still and economic activity stand still.

Companies and factories that had been the backbone of Uganda’s economy were expropriated. This, combined with Amin’s massive military spending, sent the economy into a free fall. External debt rose and Ugandan investor confidence soared.

Malaysia will soon be on par with Uganda.

RedParrot1151: What country has a ministry just for the majority? Is there a Chinese ministry for the Chinese people in China? A Malay Ministry in Indonesia? And the Indian ministry in India? Or a Caucasian ministry in Europe?

The Malay people must progress with all races, of course, but is establishing another ministry the right way or just another waste of money? Huge amounts of money will be allocated for this ministry, but is it really helping people?

Itslengry02: In fact, why do we need a Pribumi minister? We already have Mara, the Development Department of Orang Asli (Jakoa), and everything related to the rights of bumiputera, Orang Asal and Orang Asli.

Establishing a new ministry means more money to spend. Even our current number of ministers and vice ministers is too high. This is a burden on taxpayers as government expenditures exceed the national budget.

OrangeSinga6664: Instead of focusing on one particular group, when will politicians realize that all the people in this country we call Malaysia contribute and need the same protection?

We don’t need another ministry to waste taxpayer money. Or maybe, Razali, why don’t you pay attention to more pressing issues like rampant corruption within the existing pribumi groups?

MoonMan54: A newspaper headline was “Frying the Frogs.” Technically speaking, Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin is also a frog and presides over the other frogs.

They are petty and politically bankrupt. Their focus appears to be just how handicapped the Bumiputera are and conveniently include the Orang Asli and East Malays in their demands.

In reality, the Orang Asli and the Eastern Malays just want to be considered equally Malays, like all other communities, and not taken advantage of.

In fact, many Malays are truly adaptable, hard-working, and not looking for brochures. The Covid-19 pandemic has mobilized many Malays, especially the Malaysian community, who among themselves have become self-employed in many trades with little help from the government and have adapted to the new norm.

Sadly, today we have a former bumiputera prime minister who has stolen billions. We have become famous all over the world for the wrong reasons.

Government policies have mocked our education. Our true Malaysian identity and culture has been lost and replaced by others imported in the name of religion.

If the pandemic doesn’t destroy us, these frogs surely will.

JC_2020: What we urgently need is a clean minister to go after all corrupt ministers.

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