Don’t intimidate the ‘budaks’ in Parliament, please


YOUR OPINION | “Calling Muar Syed Saddiq’s MP ‘budak’ is outrageously rude and disrespectful.”

Speaker says Pasir Salak MP ‘budak’ coup against Syed Saddiq is ‘just a joke’

Mazilamani: A Yang Berhormat is a Yang Berhormat, whether the chosen member is young or old. Calling Muar Syed Saddiq MP Syed Abdul Rahman a “child” is outrageously rude and disrespectful.

Dewan Rakyat speaker Azhar Azizan Harun should not dismiss the matter as a joke. He now encourages and invites others to call Syed Saddiq ‘budak’. We also have another YB (Batu MP P Prabakaran) who is younger than Syed Saddiq.

This action definitely amounts to intimidation by high-level MPs. He should have corrected and demanded Pasir Salak MP Tajuddin Abdul Rahman to withdraw his comment and apologize to Syed Saddiq.

I think Tajuddin’s sense of humor is misplaced and unpleasant, especially when the parliamentary session is having a serious discussion on Budget 2021. We don’t need the distraction.

We have another rude YB supposedly showing his middle finger. If true, the person should be reprimanded for the immature and noisy act. He too, I escaped be noticed by the speaker.

Goliath: What maturity is this 72-year-old MP showing? This is unacceptable during a parliamentary session and he should be immediately expelled for the remainder of the session.

Please tell all the elders in Parliament that they stayed longer than your welcome and that it is time for them to check into a nursing home.

We don’t need more old people to run this country, who not only have memory problems, but have no manners. This government should apologize for such behavior!

Hcleong: Dear Mr. President, how do you know that Tajuddin was just kidding? Did he tell you? Did he whisper in your ear?

Tajuddin has been known for his intimidating demeanor and less than chivalrous demeanor. Could it be that he was trying to intimidate Syed Saddiq by calling him a child?

What if another YB calls you, Mr. President, “boy”? Tajuddin is insulting not only Syed Saddiq but all those who voted for him to represent them in Parliament.

Even if Tajuddin was joking, it would not suit him to attempt such a silly and insulting joke.

Mr. President, you have lost all our respect. You are now one of Tajuddin’s ‘gang’, defending him and encouraging his gang to make more ‘pranks’.

You should have defended the dignity of the august House and ordered Tajuddin to apologize. That was the least you should have done. Instead, you’re backing it up.

Salvage Malaysia: In fact, the speaker must enforce the proper protocols in the Dewan Rakyat. Syed Saddiq is a deputy. The orator has no authority to make a judgment that it is a joke made without malicious intent.

It is inappropriate to call a young MP in Parliament ‘budak’. Period.

Malay spirit: Syed Saddiq is probably the oldest of all and asks big questions, but we all know how these people behave.

They belittle and mock others to avoid answering serious questions while plundering the wealth of the nation; stirring up tribal conflict as they flee with the loot.

IndigoTrout2522: Indeed, Parliament is serious business. Every word and action is observed by people because it affects people’s lives. Parliamentarians are paid a lot of money to run the nation’s business.

Perhaps the speaker is a joke and does not have to be there. He should be ashamed of himself and maybe he should get up from the chair.

At the very least, he should be severely reprimanded with a warning that he will be removed from this serious position and Dewan Rakyat if this type of incident is repeated.

Heart of Malaysia: Azhar, are the parliamentary procedures a joke? Is everyone in Parliament a joker? Are you a joke?

Proper decorum must be observed. Nicknames disrespectful or arrogant people should not be considered a “joke.”

GreenFalcon1907: The “I’m 72” person doesn’t seem to have learned anything good in life after all these long years.

I suppose it is a product of the environment in which he grew up. Nothing good comes out of this man. His bully behavior is disgusting. This is very typical among the “politicians” of Umno.

As long as these uncivilized thugs continue to occupy positions of power, the outlook for our beloved country seems fuzzy or non-existent.

This is why we need righteous warriors like Syed Saddiq to turn the country around for the betterment of future generations. And, as for Azhar, he’s a joke himself.

ScarletHamster1885: Well joke or not, these politicians are voted in by their constituents. The people put these old useless politicians in power to rule. If those who voted for him have no problem, what can others do?

It’s very annoying, but I guess Malaysians have to get used to it.

PW Cheng: Syed Saddiq is a more honorable and respectable person than the disrespectful MP ​​Pasir Salak. At your age, if you don’t learn to respect others, don’t expect others to respect you.

This man is a bigot and troublemaker. He did not contribute anything to Prasarana (as president) and is a liability to the rakyat who pay him ‘gaji buta’ (blind salary).

Right and wrong: Syed Saddiq, let others call you ‘budak’ and even let some foolish people try to defend the comment made against you.

The rakyat laugh at them because these pranksters aged too quickly, and that is why they still behave immaturely. And most of these immature pranksters even call themselves MPs.

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