Don’t fall for the home remedy lie


PETALING JAYA: In the midst of all the news about Covid-19 vaccines, stories of home remedies as an antidote to the virus still abound.

Herbs, healing oils, honey and homemade concoctions: these are some of the “preventive measures” that are talked about among Malaysians despite the authorities’ battle against misinformation.

In a tweet on October 22, the Ministry of Health reminded Malaysians that “there is no cure for # Covid-19 so far. If there are parties that sell products that claim to be able to treat Covid-19, it is false ”.

However, that hasn’t stopped the “snake oil salesman.”

For example, a banner offering free services related to “vaksin penawar Covid-19” was placed near a tree in Setapak, Kuala Lumpur.

The banner, which featured a phone number, also read that “telemedicine was available.”

An image of the banner was posted last month by a Twitter user named Hafiz, who was amused. When contacted later, Hafiz said the banner had been removed.

A chain message about how a mixture of coconut water, lime and salt can supposedly cure Covid-19 has been circulating in WhatsApp chat groups.

In July, a woman promoting an anti-Covid-19 bracelet for RM600 each was hit with a compound of RM50,000 for her false claim.

Marketers now seem to be more aware of their claims, but some continue to promote their products as a Covid-19 prevention aid.

An online marketer promoting bottled olive and fig oil, who only wants to be known as Saiful, claimed when contacted that the remedies he sells can be used as a means to “prevent Covid-19 infection.”

“We are selling a miracle oil set, which can be used as a means to prevent Covid-19 infection and a remedy for those who have a stroke or cholesterol, with additional benefits for the health of the heart, intestines, kidneys and the lungs, “he said. reclaimed.

None of these claims are supported by medical or scientific evidence and neither did Saiful reveal the contents of the miracle oil set.

Even Health Director General Tan Sri Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah was the target of these unfounded claims when, about two weeks ago, someone wrote on his Twitter account: “Please consume pineapple and lemon as juice. It can help prevent the virus in our body. #KitaJagaKita “.

Both the Ministry of Health and Dr. Noor Hisham and other doctors have repeatedly warned the public against such misinformation.

The head of the Emergency and Trauma Department at Teluk Intan Hospital, Dr. Samsu Ambia Ismail, who was infected by Covid-19 in April, said that he was once recommended to try ketum juice as a treatment.

“The person did not even have a previous exposure to Covid-19, so how can you know that it can become a remedy?” he said in an interview.

Dr. Samsu said that although alternative medicine such as Ayurvedic or traditional Chinese treatment existed, there was no scientific evidence that he was aware of that could help fight Covid-19.

“People can opt for alternative medicine for health reasons, but they should not neglect proper medical treatment, especially when it comes to Covid-19.

“It is dangerous when Covid-19 patients are treated at an advanced stage, especially if they are in the high-risk group,” he warned.

Hospitals, he added, would provide medically proven treatment necessary for Covid-19 patients.

The president of the Malaysian Public Health Physicians Association, Datuk Dr. Zainal Ariffin Omar, said that sellers or promoters of drugs, drugs or devices claiming to be a cure for Covid-19 were bogus and were doing so for the purpose of profit.

“It is unethical and illegal. They are giving customers false hope and taking their money with the possibility of putting their life in danger.

“Covid-19 infection is a viral disease; it is not bacteria that can be killed by antibiotics. Antiviral drugs do not kill the virus, but they inhibit its development, “he said.

Most viral infections, Dr. Zainal added, either resolved on their own or slowly cleared from the body through a person’s antibody developed by the infected person himself.

“Immunity, human resistance and the ability to fight the virus will depend on the health of the person, as well as the nutritional status and the presence of chronic or immunosuppressive diseases,” he said.

Reiterating that to date there was no evidence of any specific cure or drug for Covid-19, Dr. Zainal said there were only supportive, complementary and medical modalities.

“There is evidence that remedies like honey alleviate coughs, while traditional Chinese medicine has a role to play as a complement to modern medicine.

“However, people with a history of exposure to Covid-19 and who have severe symptoms should seek appropriate medical treatment,” he said.

He urged authorities to closely monitor vendors who claimed their products could cure or prevent Covid-19 infection and take severe action against them.
