Don’t expect any racial reckoning at M’sia


YOUR OPINION | “Malaysia lacks real leaders within the dominant Malaysian-based parties.”

COMMENT | Guan Eng had no power, but he was still feared by the Malays.

EM: Malaysiakini Columnist S Thayaparan asked: “The big question is whether (Pakatan) Harapan comes to power again, will the tradition of castrating important portfolios continue if it is run by a non-Malaysian or will the non-Malaysian leading the portfolio internalize his servitude ?

The answer is as obvious as the question is rhetorical.

Since 1974, when the father of that unrepentant inmate allowed the mendacious coot to return to Malay politics, what was a slight scrawl on Tanah Melayu’s imaginary wall has quietly become the unwritten rule with a neutered MCA and MIC, obediently and willingly playing poodle. his master.

Lee Kuan Yew, when he was still a force to be reckoned with in Malaysian politics, offered an inclusive narrative with his “Malaysia of Malaysia”, a proposition that, at best, only served to force the uncontrollable retching and expulsion from the island state. , so to speak, like a bone in the throat of the “nationalists”.

In the mid-1980s, Mahathir ideologue Abdullah Ahmad breathed new life into ‘ketuanan Melayu’ (in Singapore of all places), at which point, I would say, he quietly toppled Rukun Negara from its unstable position to become in tacit official dogma: the central assumption of Malay governance.

Therefore, the presence of non-Malays in both the civil service and the “kabinet” has been reluctantly allowed only on the condition that they play the secondary role of their masters, who while they seem to be making the calls, the vests of real power with the puppeteers without whose prior approval nothing is signed. That has been the case since the days of the Alliance … and the ‘dance’ that was never in balance.

If the memories of non-Malaysian Malay elders still serve them well, they will recall the grotesque genuflections of MCA, MIC, Gerakan “ministers” who were bent to rationalize the absurdities of their lords in government or trivialize their many transgressions.

During the 30 or so years since the mid-1980s, when Mr. Mendacity began his reign of error, this smiling disposition to “please the prime minister” became the national creed or, to put it in the language of Chief Minister Ismail. Sabri, the SOP (Standard Operating Procedure).

And now we know how he contributed to the 1MDB debacle that is now blatantly being discovered in court.

Restless_Native: Malaysia lacks real leaders within the dominant Malaysian-based parties. The last real great leaders we had were Onn Jaffar and Tunku Abdul Rahman. They really cared and loved the country and pushed for a ‘Malaysian Malaysia’ even though the term was not openly expressed.

It is the Malays who will ultimately determine the path this country will take. Dr. Mahathir Mohamad is an autocrat, it is the only style he knows. These are not consensus-based approaches, so there will be no “middle ground” in your dealings.

This is the reality not only with Mahathir, but with any of the Malaysia-based parties. Therefore, any “coalition” with people like this type of individuals and parties implies a subordinate role for those who try to ally themselves with Mahathir or similar parties.

This is the opposition letter that non-Malaysian parties and politicians are obliged to accept … so it is almost a fait accompli. Therefore, trying to portray DAP or any other non-Malay party (or individual) as “not defending their position” is unfair. This is the unfortunate “progression” that Malaysian politics have evolved into.

Malaysian-based parties are increasingly aware of this situation and are emboldened to make ever more scathing racial slurs, knowing that this will ignite their respective bases and strengthen their positions. Just look at the last 12 months of racial rhetoric fans got involved in. If non-Malays make even remote comments about the race, they will be detained for questioning.

What they do not understand is that the country is on a path that is very dangerous, a country that will eventually be led by the clergy. Just look at Iran in 1979 and where it is now; Malaysia is getting terribly close to an identical path.

For Malaysians who know better but choose not to speak up now, be careful what you wish for.

IndigoTrout2522: There is no doubt that Mahathir was the one who made all the decisions during Harapan’s 22 months, using PKR, DAP and Amanah for his own agenda.

Has Mahathir changed from his early years as a student nationalist until now? Many people doubted it, but the Harapan leaders convinced themselves that it did change when they saw the power and the positions were now theirs. They really had good intentions to serve the nation, but they were naive and did not understand Mahathir’s intention.

He was rejected by Umno and formed Umno Baru. He was rejected by Umno Baru and formed Bersatu. Then, being rejected by Bersatu, he formed Pejuang.

He was so autocratic that none of his deputy prime ministers could work with him. It had always been his way or the highway and the leader of the PKR, Anwar Ibrahim, was another of his targets. Mahathir never believed in the Harapan manifesto and deceived everyone who believed in it.

All of his parties are single-race parties because he does not believe in a multiracial society. It must always be dominated by the Malays and that is why after 60 years, the bumiputeras still need help. He believed that only Malaysian leaders can run the government. His point of view is not very different from that of PAS and Umno.

The difference is that he knows how to use non-bumiputeras to achieve his agenda. A ‘Malaysian Malaysia’ is not on his agenda. If Malaysian leaders had embarked on a multiracial society, the bumiputeras would have been better off today, as a strong economy would benefit everyone. Instead, Malaysia was left behind.

The Wakandan: “They really had good intentions to serve the nation, but they were naive and did not understand Mahathir’s intention.”

I agreed. His only sin was hope. I hope Mahathir changes. The fact that he switched sides to face Umno gave them, and us, hope that perhaps he had changed.

He was in the twilight of his years, we thought that this was a good opportunity to make amends, he would never have other opportunities to correct what he had done.

But the leopard did not and could not change its spots. It wasn’t just PKR, DAP, and Amanah that took a spin. As of May 2018, almost all Harapan supporters were.

New day: We are a so-called democracy, not a fascist or dictatorial despot state (although we show the symptoms). Being a democracy, the theory is equal rights and opportunities for all. Don’t deliberately ignore these fundamentals.

Who needs to think rationally? Malaysians who think their rights are superior to others. There are 30 per cent of Malays who understand and support equal rights for all. I am one of them.

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