Does this mean that all kleptocrats can now go free?


YOUR OPINION | “If so, are we now redefining what constitutes bribery as well?”

Patriot fumes over Ku Nan’s discharge, demands an explanation

Malaysia is surreal art that you can buy: Who would have thought that legal proceedings can be stopped on the instructions of the “higher ups”?

By the way, why is the Persatuan Patriot Kebangsaan (Patriot) apparently the only voice fighting injustice in these absurd times?

The fact that ordinary people get to jail for far more petty crimes, while wealthy people like Riza Aziz (Najib Abdul Razak’s stepson) and Musa Aman (Sabah’s former chief minister) can get a ‘no go to jail ‘, is puzzling and unacceptable.

Letting go of Ku Nan (former Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor) is a mistake that is going to bite into the ruling effluent in GE15. No, I didn’t make any spelling mistakes; I clearly meant ‘effluent’.

Heron: Patriot is increasingly a lone voice on such important matters of national concern. He deserves a nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize. Others should care too.

How we would have liked to have continued Pakatan Harapan’s efforts on these momentous matters together with then-Attorney General (AG) Tommy Thomas.

Times are changing for our beloved nation, but not for the better, one fears. And it is disturbing to think that there is an unfortunate expression ‘On the road to perdition’.

DrPK: This tendency to allow DNAA (a discharge that does not amount to an acquittal) is quite alarming. The public has the right to know the reasons for such a decision.

Corruption should not be tolerated for any reason. The AG must be transparent and, in high-profile cases, must be at the forefront explaining its decisions.

I would also expect the justice minister to get involved in challenging this decision.

Blue Mountains: In view of the “latest development” and pending further investigation, the alleged recipient of the bribe received a DNAA.

However, the donor had already been found guilty and fined several months ago. How will the “latest event” affect the guilty verdict already handed down on the donor?

Jaycee: We all know that two-tier laws apply here. One for the public function (and also extends to family members) and the other for us, the laity.

God forbid, we should be caught stealing a loaf of bread or cans of sardines to feed our starving families. The consequence is definitely jail time for us.

But for the “elites” they just get a slap on the wrist (usually a miniscule fine), they keep most of the loot and live happily ever after for generations to come.

PurpleWhale7438: He recalled the case of a mother jailed for stealing powdered milk, but those accused of corruption involving millions are released?

Yes, this can only happen in Malaysia.

Mat Md: The trials of those who commit crimes and corruption are carried out at very low speed, interspersed with postponements and appeals. Some of the trials drag on for months or even years before concluding, some with or without a conviction.

Due to the long delay, due to postponements and appeals, the suspected criminals have the privilege of moving freely to enjoy any pleasure at their whim, using the ill-gotten money that they allegedly stole.

Malaysia must be aware that its poor, slow and ineffective justice system is closely watched by the world, which could cause the world to lose confidence and faith in the Malaysian justice system.

This will be bad for Malaysia as it will discourage foreign investors from plowing their investments in Malaysia, causing their investments to go to other countries, especially Vietnam.

Malaysia has to make great strides to improve its justice system if it is to attract more foreign investment that will allow it to raise its economic growth to a higher level.

Claw: The Almighty is watching …

Oriole: @Talon, I don’t think sociopaths and men who can steal nations are too concerned about the afterlife.

They are good in disguise of piety to host their miserable and credulous followers and parasites, but if they were followers of any faith, they would not be involved in these hideous scams of nations.

Is Malaysia’s justice system reaching new heights? So in a bribery situation, should we understand that only the one who gives a bribe will be prosecuted from now on?

If so, does this mean that all of our kleptocrats can now go free? Also, are we now redefining what constitutes bribery and creating another world first?

The Wakandan: Many high-profile criminals are left out of the woods without even having their cases argued in court.

Our country must have brought down the dogs, without offending the dogs. This sort of thing certainly puts off those at MACC who, despite all their hard work and effort, come to nothing.

It wouldn’t be surprising if our people at MACC no longer cared. After all, superiors can always undo what they had done.

Head hunter: “The DPP, which has been prosecuting since September 2018, gave the reason for the new developments in the case and had received instructions from higher-ups to stop the process.”

In other words, interference from a politician or politicians. Either way, it’s wrong. It means that the justice system is now run by politicians.

Hats off to you, Patriot Chairman Brid-Gen (Rtd) Mohamed Arshad Raji. Too many things go wrong in the country and you are one of the few who dares to speak up.

Dhimmi Dummies: When a government or religion has too many exceptions to its rules, all the laws and principles can be compromised in favor of the rich, the powerful, the influential, and the fanatics.

EM: The regime recruited two of the most corrupt individuals to help keep it afloat. That is clear, since the law and constitutional processes are bent at the behest of the clique.

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