Does anyone play for the health portfolio in Sabah?


YOUR OPINION | “It is very revealing that there was almost a stampede in regards to the state’s Ministry of Public Works.”

Sabah government doubts the health portfolio despite the increase in Covid-19 cases

Appointment of Sabah Minister of Health unnecessary – SAPP

Avicenna: Nobody wants to take over the health portfolio in Sabah. It is a poisonous chalice. No one in the current state government has the experience, knowledge, and perseverance to meet the challenge.

And they will not be able to enrich themselves with this portfolio. Notice the great uproar over the state works minister’s portfolio as opposed to the silent response from the health portfolio.

The blame for the current mess in Sabah, and by extension in Peninsular Malaysia, falls squarely in the lap of politicians. All those involved in causing the collapse of the previous state government and subsequently the need for an election in Sabah must be held accountable.

The attempt to replace the Warisan government had its roots in Putrajaya and it goes without saying that it reached the highest hierarchy of the federal government.

Former Chief Minister Musa Aman and the 13 politicians who jumped ship amid the pandemic and triggered the collapse of the Warisan government must be forever remembered for their selfish actions and held accountable for this disaster.

The Ministry of Health must give us an answer as to why they did not advise a partial or total closure when there was an increase in cases on the east coast of Sabah in early September.

Common sense would indicate that the movement of people within the state and between Sabah and the peninsula at that time would be reckless and irresponsible.

While Health Director General Noor Hisham Abdullah has been praised for handling the initial phase of the pandemic, he owes all of Sabah’s health workers an explanation for not having adequately advised the government.

Coconut: To have a good economy, the most important criteria are education and health. Only then can we talk about stability and prosperity.

If the summit itself lacks these foundations, then it is useless. What is the second vice minister of health, who was appointed to look after the East Malaysian sector, doing?

It seems that nobody wants that responsibility since this portfolio is not lucrative. If the Chief Deputy Minister, Bung Moktar Radin, is there to really serve the people, he would not have negotiated for the portfolio of works, but for the portfolio of health.

The state minister for community development and village welfare, Shahelmey Yahya, says he only looks after the welfare of the people. Isn’t health part of people’s well-being?

Vijay 47: Sabah’s opportunistic politicians are fully aware that the head that wears the crown of health is heavy.

Therefore, none of these cowards want to take responsibility for the most pressing matter at this time across the country. This is especially relevant for Sabah, where the Covid-19 attack appears to be exploding almost out of control.

Be appointed state minister of health and there goes everything you thought was yours: there goes your free time when you have to be alert and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, attending informational meetings, analyzing latest medical updates and, most importantly, making appropriate serious decisions.

Is there anyone in the Sabah cabinet capable of taking on such an urgent role and taking it on the chin?

In their statements to the media about the state’s health portfolio, all members of the cabinet came out with some silly comment, washing their hands of any connection to Covid-19.

The gems they issued included “the matter is under federal administration”; health, which involves the lives of the citizens of the state, “has been grouped under community development”, this obviously from Vice Minister Jeffrey Kitingan; and the most valuable of them all: “we don’t want functions to overlap”.

It is very revealing that there was almost a stampede in regards to the Ministry of Public Works.

Once To Pristine Land: The highest priority is the immediate appointment of a fully dedicated Sabah Minister of Health. His responsibility at this time is more important than that of any other minister, including the CM.

The people of Sabah have suffered quite a bit during the latest wave of Covid-19. We do not need a minister who already has another portfolio to lead us in this fight against an invisible enemy.

Peaky Blinders: Are they kidding? The health portfolio is literally the most important portfolio in a time of crisis like this.

It is so ironic that it was revealed that Sabah’s chief minister Hajiji Mohd Noor tested positive for Covid-19.

Thick skin: Probably, looking at the list of state assemblymen in the current Sabah government, there is no one capable of taking over the health portfolio. It is a hot potato and will only lead to bats.

Just look at the federal health minister’s statements on Covid-19, and it’s actually a doctor.

Cryo: All of this would not have started if Musa had not intended to overthrow the government amid the Covid-19 situation.

Enough of the fanaticism of these people of the peninsular parties, the Sabahans must face this injustice.

GreenQuokka4577: In short, the purpose of the Sabah health minister was to pressure the federal government to fulfill its responsibilities.

We need funds to build sanitary infrastructures. If we don’t have someone who can fight for us in Sabah as an equal partner, how are we going to move forward and make sure there are an adequate number of hospitals in each rural area?

This was exactly what former Chief Minister Shafie Apdal was trying to tell us: let’s not let the federal government play God and we all stand still in the hope that they will spare our lives.

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