Direct negotiation offers: stop passing the buck


YOUR OPINION | “I did not know that the Ministry of Finance was in charge of the Ministry of Housing and Local Government.”

Zuraida’s assistant: Guan Eng’s ministry handled direct award contracts

BusinessFirst: Please tell us the facts. Stop all these false answers.

First, the Minister of Housing and Local Government, Zuraida Kamaruddin, tells us that there were no direct contacts in her ministry under her supervision.

Later, when faced with facts and figures, Zuraida said that i couldn’t remember. It does not cost 170 or even 170,000 RM, but rather 170,000,000 RM to build, operate and maintain a new solid waste transfer station in Jinjang Utara, Kuala Lumpur, to replace an existing station.

Yes, note the zeros in RM170 million, money that most of us will not see in a lifetime or in 10 generations. So we have an excuse that is often heard in the trial of former Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak: “I don’t know.”

So, Zuraida promised an internal investigation because he did not approve it. Now we have your answer (Zuraida’s political secretary, Nor Hizwan Ahmad). Is this the result of the internal investigation, the five hours that it lasts? How disappointing.

The public is sick of all this nonsense of shooting randomly without substance. Why is the assistant speaking on behalf of the minister when before she was more than happy to answer personally?

1. Your answer is distracting and raises more questions. Why would the former finance minister negotiate a contract that depends on the Zuraida ministry? Have you been appointed supreme minister replacing the minister of a ministry?

2. Why didn’t Zuraida complain about the usurpation of her powers? If you didn’t know, is it credible since you went out of your budget and visited the factory like in your Facebook post?

This is like the Najib trial. He also claimed that he was unaware of the millions in his personal bank account and that someone was using or operating it without his knowledge. Sounds familiar doesn’t it?

In his response, Zuraida launched accusations against DAP or Lim, which is the standard rate for Perikatan Nasional (PN). At least Najib saved that gem for us. I guess we should be grateful for the little mercies wherever we find them.

IndigoKite6964: @BusinessFirst, direct contract negotiations by a finance minister was a Umno practice. I can’t imagine Lim would make the mistake of doing the same.

I would think that each ministry would manage its own projects guided by the budget that was established by them, as requested from the cabinet by the ministry involved and approved by the cabinet, not the Ministry of Finance unilaterally.

Once the budget is approved, the ministry handles the bidding and evaluation of the submissions and the subsequent award. The tender is mandatory if a project exceeds a certain value.

To say that Lim negotiated this work directly can only mean accusing him of corruption. This is how Najib and his wife Rosmah Mansor did it and now they face the consequences.

Therefore, Zuraida’s assistant not only made a statement, he made an accusation of corruption, without evidence or arguments.

Parliament should require proof of this direct negotiation by the Finance Ministry for considerable work on behalf of another ministry when Lim was Finance Minister.

Otherwise, sue both of them and ask them to present the evidence in public hearing or they will lose everything they have.

Malaysiansatay: Wait a minute … so the former Finance Minister headed the Ministry of Housing and Local Government? So what is Zuraida doing at the event (where he made an official visit to the Taman Beringin facility)? She was seen and even posted on her Facebook that she visited the place.

But best of all, it was reported in the news that Bumi Segar Indah awarded the project to a subcontractor. Don’t tell me that Zuraida never reads the news?

DalvinK: Indeed. I did not know that the Ministry of Finance was in charge of the Ministry of Housing and Local Government.

Did you mean to say that there is a housing and local government project approved by someone else that was started without Zuraida’s knowledge?

Thank you for telling us that you have been sleeping at work. If you were not aware of the direct award of projects worth RM170 million, I am sure you could have failed in many other areas. So please quit, you are clearly unfit for the job.

Lunar walker: Pass the “buck,” blame someone else: All these dumb politicians feign innocence when caught with facts and figures that prove otherwise.

How can we trust these political assumptions when all they can answer is that they do not know and are not responsible for the outcome that is happening right under their nose?

Zuraida, why are you a minister when you don’t know anything? Trust this backdoor government to run the country? No way.

ColorAnimalNumber: Zuraida, if what you say is true, it is still your responsibility.

The purchase of said machines happened under his ministry and he is still the minister of the same ministry now.

Restless_Native: Here we go again. Another accusing “scandal” just so the current crop of “so-called leaders” can get a little “fame.”

Don’t we know that in Bolehland we never seem to be able to discover the truth?

None, and I mean none, of these politicians have any element of leadership in him / her. They have prostituted whatever little ideal they may have had for the spoils of political office and will do anything to stay in power.

We don’t have any visionaries among them; heck, they won’t even know what that is, even if it hit them on the side of their empty heads.

Without fail, each one advocates different variants of the 3R (race, religion, royalty) “strategy” to enslave the minds of the rakyat. They just can’t think outside of it shell (Coconut shell).

So let’s not waste time ‘looking for the truth’ folks from the current political parties of clowns and scammers.

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