DG: Seven positive results | The star


PUTRAJAYA: Seven people were found to be positive for Covid-19 in an assessment conducted before the start of the Parliament session.

Health Director Tan Sri, Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah, said one of them was an auxiliary policeman.

“From contact tracing, three of his colleagues, including his wife, also tested positive. We have five cases.

“A person who works for the media also tested positive. Seven of his relatives have been examined and are awaiting their results, “he said yesterday at his daily press conference.

Dr. Noor Hisham also said that a senator’s aide was confirmed positive and that 12 other people who had contact with this person were identified and quarantined.

“They may be in the incubation period, so we are not sure. That is why we have quarantined them.

“We are still waiting for their results,” he said.

He noted that since Parliament would meet for six weeks, MPs would be exposed to the virus.

“As such, to prevent the spread of the virus, we may be able to test every two weeks for carriers.

“To manage risk, all MPs must adhere to standard operating procedure, such as maintaining physical detachment, washing hands and wearing a mask,” he said.

In another matter, Dr. Noor Hisham denied allegations that Sabah was facing a shortage of Covid-19 personal protective equipment (PPE) and beds.

“I don’t know where these rumors come from, about which hospital is facing a shortage. No names mentioned, maybe fake news.

“There is no shortage of PPE. What we have now can last a minimum of 29 days, and we have emergency acquisitions.

“We have been assigned RM25 thousand to purchase only PPE because we are thinking in the long term,” he said.
