Democrats want a panel to investigate Trump’s ability to govern


WASHINGTON: US Democrats on Thursday (October 8) proposed a commission to investigate whether Donald Trump is mentally fit for office and to analyze constitutional options for his impeachment if necessary.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters that on Friday she and other Democrats would introduce a measure related to the 25th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which allows the vice president to take office if it is determined that the President “cannot” fulfill his duties. .

Pelosi’s office said Friday’s bill “would help ensure uninterrupted and effective leadership at the highest office of the executive branch of government.”

The move comes at a time of crisis in the White House, when Trump is being treated for a COVID-19 infection that sent him to the hospital for three nights.

The 74-year-old leader launched a series of erratic tweets this week and raised his eyebrows with a stream of consciousness interview early Thursday on Fox Business in which he said he beat the coronavirus because “I am a perfect physical specimen and I am extremely young. “.

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Pelosi warned that Trump is suffering a “dissociation from reality (which) would be funny if it weren’t so deadly.”

Pelosi’s effort would renew the debate on what measures could be taken in the event that the president is disabled to such an extent that he cannot fulfill his responsibilities.

But he received harsh criticism from Trump and other Republicans.

“Crazy Nancy is the one who should be under observation. They don’t call her crazy for nothing!” Trump exploded on Twitter.

House Republican Mark Green used particularly blunt language.

“I would not let @SpeakerPelosi pass to stage a coup,” the first-term congressman tweeted.

“She has already armed the impeachment, what stops her from using the 25th Amendment as a weapon?”

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Pelosi’s action is unlikely to produce a transition of power in the White House, as it would require Vice President Mike Pence, a Trump loyalist, to sign such a statement.

Pelosi directly questioned Trump’s health status Thursday and his claim that he is recovering quickly from COVID-19.

“I think the public needs to know the health of the president,” he said.

“Mr. President: When was the last time you had a negative test before testing positive?” she asked.

“Why isn’t the White House telling the country that important fact?”
