Declaring an emergency will be the ‘last nail in the coffin’ for the economy, says Ku Li


Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, a Umno veteran, suspects that there are ‘not honorable motives’ behind the request for an emergency proclamation.

PETALING JAYA: Umno veteran Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah said the proposed Emergency proclamation will be the “last nail in the coffin” for Malaysia’s already battered economy once it is implemented.

In addition to that, the proposed Emergency will drive investors away from the country, with businesses seriously affected.

“I am dismayed and shocked that the prime minister (with the support of his cabinet) is now seeking the consent of our Yang di-Pertuan Agong to declare a state of emergency, presumably to put himself in charge of this emergency administration that would have powers. powerful.

“I do not question the right of any prime minister to request a declaration of the state of emergency from the King, as stipulated in the Federal Constitution.

“But rather the basis, the rationale, the timing and the actual motive,” Tengku Razaleigh said in a statement today.

The former finance minister said Malaysia is currently facing a public health crisis that has severely affected the Malaysian economy and livelihoods.

Tengku Razaleigh added that “the public and politicians on the other side of the dividing line, with the exception of a few recalcitrant ones, are fully cooperating with the government on measures and standard operating procedures.”

“Our parliamentary system is working well and there are no mass rebellions or riots on our streets.

“I don’t see any honest basis for such a request. I can only suspect non-honorable motives behind this. “

He also said that his motion of no confidence against Muhyiddin in the Dewan Rakyat should not be seen as a vested interest in the post of prime minister.

“This is in line with the principles of our parliamentary system, where the Constitution is supreme and is above the Regulations. The authority of the house is far above that of a government minister, ”said Tengku Razaleigh.

Perikataan Nasional is speculated to be seeking an emergency declaration as Covid-19 cases hover around 700-800 a day.

Muhyiddin and several cabinet ministers met with Yang di-Pertuan Agong Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah yesterday in Istana Abdul Aziz, Kuantan.

Earlier today, the Comptroller of the Royal Household Ahmad Fadil Shamsuddin said that Sultan Abdullah will meet soon with the Malaysian rulers on Muhyddin’s proposal, but did not indicate when.

Fadil said the Pahang ruler met with Muhyiddin and the ministers in Istana Abdul Aziz for an hour and 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman, led by the Malaysian United Democratic Alliance (Muda), urged the Conference of Rulers to reject the PN’s proposal for a state of emergency.

“The economy will be paralyzed and this will later affect the lives of many Malaysians if an emergency is implemented.

“This state of emergency will grant absolute powers to the prime minister. The Federal Constitution, along with other laws, can be amended without going through Parliament, ”said Muda, adding that this situation does not provide checks or balances.
