Deadly attacks in France | The star


(Reuters) – An attacker with a knife killed three people and wounded several more in a church in the French city of Nice on Thursday, police said.

Here are some other attacks that have taken place in France:

– Two people were stabbed and wounded in Paris on September 25 near the former offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, where Islamist militants carried out a deadly attack in 2015. A man from Pakistan was arrested for the attack.

– October 3, 2019 – Mickael Harpon, 45, an IT specialist with security clearance to work at the Paris police headquarters, killed three policemen and a civilian employee before being shot dead by police . He had converted to Islam 10 years earlier.

– March 23, 2018 – A gunman killed three people in southwestern France after stopping a car, shooting police and taking hostages in a supermarket. The security forces broke into the building and killed him.

– July 26, 2016 – Two attackers killed a priest and seriously wounded another hostage in a church in northern France before being shot to death by police. Francois Hollande, president of France at the time, said the hijackers had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State.

– July 14, 2016 – A gunman drove a heavy truck into a crowd celebrating Bastille Day in the French city of Nice, killing 86 people and wounding dozens more in an attack claimed by the Islamic State. The attacker was identified as a Tunisian-born Frenchman.

– June 14, 2016 – A Frenchman of Moroccan origin stabbed to death a police commander in front of his house in a Paris suburb and killed his partner, who also worked for the police. The attacker told police he was responding to an appeal from the Islamic State.

– November 13, 2015 – Paris was rocked by multiple gun and bomb attacks on entertainment venues around the city, in which 130 people were killed and 368 injured. The Islamic State said it was responsible. Two of the ten known authors were Belgian citizens and three French.

– January 7-9, 2015 – Two armed Islamist militants stormed the offices of the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo on January 7, killing 12 people. Another militant killed a policewoman the next day and took hostages in a supermarket on January 9, killing four before the police shot her.

(Reporting by Christian Lowe; edited by John Stonestreet)
