DBKL issues reminder after Chinese billboard rises by mistake


Yesterday an advertisement in Chinese was mistakenly displayed on a billboard in Kuala Lumpur. (Facebook of DBKL)

PETALING JAYA: A Chinese-language billboard mistakenly posted near the Mid Valley Megamall in Kuala Lumpur has prompted authorities to issue reminders about the use of Bahasa Malay as the primary language.

Federal Territories Minister Annuar Musa said on Twitter that ads should use the national language as the primary language, and text in other languages ​​should be used in a small size.

The Kuala Lumpur City Council (DBKL) also said that all billboards in the capital must be vetted by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka for the proper use of Bahasa Malaysia.

On the billboard in Chinese, DBKL said that Dewan Bahasa had approved an advertisement with Bahasa Malay as the primary language accompanied by other languages.

The empty billboard after the ad was removed. (Facebook of DBKL)

“However, when the billboard was installed on the site, there was a breach of the approval granted, when the accompanying languages ​​had become the main expression. Upon realizing that a mistake had been made, the relevant party had uninstalled said billboard, ”according to today’s DBKL statement.

DBKL also posted images of the offending ad, as well as the billboard after it was removed.
