DAP would be dragged by the embers if he does not show up at the palace


YOUR OPINION | “Such acts of lese majesty are the exclusive domain of DAP and non-Malays.”

Takiyuddin: PAS representatives do not show up at the palace to avoid making mistakes

Perak: PAS did not show up at the palace, Bersatu says ‘he was not invited’

BusinessFirst: PAS, you were summoned by the Sultan of Perak. A royal summons is not a social invitation between friends. You must still attend unless you are disabled.

At the hearing, you can explain to the sultan the reasons why you are not ready (about whom to back up like kissing). He does not cancel the sultan’s summons simply because he is not ready to do so.

What it says is that this challenge is justified because the central leadership of the PAS told you (state representatives of the PAS) not to go. Since when have the orders of the PAS leaders overruled those of the Sultan?

How is it that he shows so little respect for the Sultan? It is an absolute shame to show such disrespect.

In fact, I think that entering the federal government with all the trappings of power, such as luxury cars and high salaries as MPs, ministers and heads of government-linked companies, PAS is becoming stubborn and even mocking royalty.

This is a sign of things to come if PAS gains full control.

Vijay47: On the other hand, I suppose that from the PAS perspective, God’s party is always superior to a mortal monarch.

When they deign to do so, PAS can hear the summons of the Sultan. Otherwise, the sultan may be waiting to play with his thumbs. Covid-19, standard operating procedures and all that, you know.

Disrespect for Sultan Nazrin Shah? My God, why would anyone think that? Such acts of lese majesty are the exclusive domain of DAP and of non-Malays only.

I think that in the parlance of poker, this refusal to serve the ruler is called “ace tops king.”

Docsarna: Had this been done by PKR or DAP, PAS would have created an uproar. They would be accused of not respecting the royal institution, which was exactly what the PAS did.

FlabberPro: This has to be a joke. The PAS usually defend the sultans but here they are making the sultan wait, and worse still, he did not appear. Where is your respect for the Sultan?

That is why I always think that the PAS is made up of hypocritical religious teachers: say one thing, but do another.

It’s another case of “do what I say, but don’t do what I do.” They can lie to their own whims and fantasies and cite that religion allowed them to do so.

Blueshark1548: How was the PAS able to reject the Sultan’s invitation? This behavior is not acceptable.

Why not appear and inform the sultan that what Umno told the sultan that he had the support of the PAS was not correct? Then let the sultan decide.

Political parties must respect the sultan and not play politics. Either you have support or you don’t.

Royalty is now not accepting legal statements because politicians have been proven not to be truthful.

MarioT: In fact, there is no excuse for such rude behavior. If you don’t even have respect for the Sultan, imagine what they are capable of if they were given the power to rule.

They are always up to no good and those who are aligned with them are just as bad.

YellowMarlin8834: PAS, are you saying you were wrong to support the worthless ex Perak while kissing Ahmad Faizal Azumu?

Or are you not sure to support Umno or Bersatu? Or is he still demanding rewards from the weak federal government?

Takiyuddin Hassan, PAS Secretary General, your party joined Umno in Muafakat Nasional because you and Umno wanted to fight against the Pakatan Harapan government.

But under Perikatan Nasional (PN), Bersatu gives you more positions and power. Now, who do you need to support to avoid making a mistake?

Meerkat: This shows that the PAS is a party of opportunists. They do not know what to do.

If they support Umno and Umno doesn’t have the numbers, they will end up with nothing, which their greed won’t allow them to do. But if they don’t support Umno, they can still end up with nothing, if Umno has the numbers.

PAS obviously has no principles. They are just waiting for one side to have almost the required number of MPs and they need PAS to cross the line. Then it would be easy for them to make the decision.

This is pure greed and it is devoid of principle. Don’t give me the crap of thinking about people.

OrangePony5652: What other mistakes can PAS make? Two times to your partners? One day you say that you are with Umno through Muafakat. Next, when you see Bersatu holding power and receiving gifts, you support them as if your lifeline is hanging by a thread.

PAS then publicly announced out loud that it would not be part of the new state government and is now reconsidering waiting for the green light of its council’s decision.

Be honest as DAP Secretary General Lim Guan Eng who dares to say that white is white and black is black.

YellowEagle3055: Umno must have included mostly simple PAS as both are part of the Muafakat pact.

But they (PAS) did not show up to support Umno. They were probably waiting for the green light from Bersatu. (Bersatu was not invited, so his numbers were probably not included in most.)

That is why the sultan declared that there was no majority of Umno or Pakatan Harapan. It now clearly shows that PAS’s loyalty is more to Bersatu than to his original Muafakat partner, Umno.

Bersatu-Umno-PAS would eventually unite to form a Malay majority government to prevent Umno’s cooperation with Harapan.

But it will be an uneasy alliance of parties that don’t trust each other.

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