DAP trio files sedition report against PAS man for biblical defamation


Pasir Puteh MP Nik Muhammad Zawawi has come under fire for his comments on the Bible.

PETALING JAYA: It was reported that three members of the Sarawak DAP requested that PAS deputy Pasir Puteh Nik Muhammad Zawawi Salleh be investigated under the Sedition Act for his comments on Christian scriptures last week.

Julian Tan, Brolin Nicholson and Anthony Chin were reported to have filed the complaint. They were accompanied by Bandar Kuching MP Kelvin Yii.

Yii said it was better to file a police report rather than ask for Zawawi and other PAS leaders to be banned from entering Sarawak, according to a Malay Mail report.

He said PAS was now able to influence all national policies through its alliance with Umno and PPBM in Muafakat Nasional, which had created the largest political bloc in the country, capable of affecting all Malaysians.

Three Sabah political leaders have also called for Zawawi to retract his comment that the Bible has been “distorted” or altered.

Zawawi had made the comment in response to Beruas MP Ngeh Koo Ham, who had said Christians were allowed to drink alcohol but were prohibited from drunkenness. Zawawi insisted that alcohol was prohibited but that the Bible had been distorted or altered.

The exchange came during a debate on proposed amendments to the Highway Transportation Act to provide more severe penalties for offenders for driving under the influence of alcohol.

Zawawi has since said that he would not apologize and that Christians “had no right to be offended.”

Earlier today, Kelvin Yii said that he had written to Dewan Rakyat’s speaker for a ruling on Zawawi’s comments, which he said had crossed the line and could be considered insulting to the Christian faith.
