Crime rate down


KUALA LUMPUR: The dogged determination of the police and the use of preventive laws saw significantly lower crime rates these days compared to what it was more than 10 years ago.

The director of the CID of the federal police, Datuk Huzir Mohamed, who revealed this yesterday, said that the crime statistics between 2009 and last year saw two categories of the index fall, serious crimes and property crimes, from 212,678 cases ago 11 years to 83,475 cases in 2019.

He said there was an average decrease of about 11,000 cases each year.

Felony crimes include murder, rape, causing injury, and robbery or gang robbery with or without firearms, while property crimes are robbery, robbery, robbery, and theft of vehicles.

Huzir said robberies with or without firearms were the largest contributors of serious crime with almost 66% of the total number of cases reported for the category.

He said that between 2011 and 2013 robberies increased by 16,000 cases a year.

“Among the reasons behind this sharp increase in serious crimes, especially robberies, it was due to the repeal of three preventive laws, namely the Emergency Ordinance, the Restricted Residence Law and the Internal Security Law during the period. However, after the entry into force of the Crime Prevention Law (Poca) and the Security Crimes Law (Special Measures) of 2012 (Sosma), such crimes began to show a downward trend between 2014 and 2019 ”Huzir said at a press conference in Bukit Aman.

He said murder, kidnapping and rape cases have also declined on par since 2009.

The Huzir police had also seized 2,222 firearms over the past 11 years.

He said that for the same period 5,403 cases of murder were reported and 281 criminals were shot, of which 36 were foreigners.

He said there were 183 cases of firearm robberies in 2009, but only 24 of those cases were reported last year.

As for property crimes, he said vehicle thefts accounted for 43% or 641,981 cases in the category.

He said that more than 72% or 464,446 of reported vehicle theft cases in the country involve motorcycles.

“On average, 115 motorcycles are reported stolen in the country every day. In 2009, 61,394 motorcycles were stolen, but last year it was about a third of the 22,507. Vehicles of other classes that were reported stolen were cut in half in 2019 compared to the years prior to 2009. With this, insurance companies have saved more than RM20 million in vehicle loss claims, “he said.

As for home theft, he said that 38,570 cases were reported in 2009, while in 2019 only 16,498 cases were recorded.

Huzir said that Selangor, being a densely populated state, has the highest crime rate.
