Covid-19: ‘Weekend’ husbands, wives allowed to travel to meet spouses in areas under conditional MCO, need permission from police


PUTRAJAYA: “Weekend” husbands and wives can travel to meet their spouses who live in areas under the conditional movement control order (MCO), says Chief Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

The defense minister said that police permission is still needed before making the trip and that they must present proof that despite being married and having a family, they live separately and can only meet on certain days due to commitments. labor.

“This is the same standard operating procedure (SOP) that was in effect when we applied the conditional MCO nationwide in May.

“Then husbands and wives can cross state lines with the approval of the police,” she said on Tuesday (October 27).

Ismail Sabri also referred to roadblocks set up by various authorities, where on Monday (October 26) 310 vehicles were ordered to reverse for violating SOPs and making unacceptable excuses to travel.

He said some were caught trying to leave locations placed under enhanced OLS, which is not allowed unless it is in cases of emergency or deaths.

“Some had tried to cross areas that are under conditional MCO without getting approval from the police.

“I have mentioned several times that if traveling to areas under the conditional MCO was really necessary, one must obtain a police clearance.

“Without it, they will be stopped at roadblocks and the authorities can take action against them, even force them to turn back,” he said.

The states with the highest number of cases in which vehicles were ordered to back up at roadblocks were Sabah (201), Johor (64) and Kuala Lumpur with 45 cases.
