Covid-19 vaccine is allowed under Islamic rules, says Zulkifli


PETALING JAYA: Vaccination against the Covid-19 virus is allowed under the Islamic Rules on the Use of Vaccines, says Prime Minister’s Department Minister Datuk Seri Dr. Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri (Photo).

He said this was decided during the 10th special meeting of the Muzakarah Committee of the National Council for Islamic Affairs on December 3.

“The meeting decided that the decision on the use of the Covid-19 vaccine is permissible (harus) and is binding for those that the government has decided.

“This decision has also been presented to the Conference of Governors.

“In this context, I call on all Malaysians, particularly Muslims, to fully adhere to and trust the government’s move in an effort to combat the Covid-19 pandemic through the use of vaccines,” he said yesterday in a release.

Zulkifli said that the use of vaccines for protection against dangerous diseases was not a strange matter under Islamic law, adding that this was proven by six previous decisions made by the Muzakarah Committee between 1988 and 2013 on the use of rubella vaccines. (1988), hepatitis B (1988), measles, tuberculosis, whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, and polio (1989), meningococcal meningitis (2002 and revised in 2014), human papillomavirus (2010), and meningitis menveo (2013).

On the international stage, he said that the global fatwa (edict) institutions had issued fatwa on the permissibility of the use of vaccines, including al-Azhar al-Sharif and the United Arab Emirates’ National Fatwa Council.

“On the subject of Covid-19 vaccination, it is a government decision. This is because the government is required to make a decision that provides the greatest benefit to the people after taking into consideration various factors and obtaining opinions from experts and authorities, ”he said.
