Covid-19: the Ministry of Health must explain why M’sia is not part of the Covax Vaccine Plan, says MMA


KUALA LUMPUR: The Ministry of Health has the responsibility to explain why Malaysia has not signed the Covax Vaccine Plan for Covid-19 vaccines, says the Malaysian Medical Association (MMA).

Its president, Dr. N. Ganabaskaran, said that Malaysia is not among the 172 countries that have signed up and Friday (September 18) is the deadline to do so.

“The MMA believes that even if Malaysia has its own bilateral negotiations for a vaccine, subscribing to the Covax Vaccine Plan may be an additional option that will guarantee access to vaccines for Covid-19.

“We urge the Health Ministry to be transparent in its plans to procure vaccines for the country. The rakyat have the right to know and the government has a duty to keep the country informed,” he said in a statement on Friday.

“We understand that there may be safety concerns in accelerating vaccine development and we are equally concerned.

“However, any potential vaccine will be thoroughly evaluated through strict controls by the Ministry of Health to determine its efficacy and safety, before it is approved and declared safe for the population,” he added.

Dr. Ganabaskaran said that even if the ministry needs more time after the Covax Vaccine Plan deadline to decide, the rakyat must know.

“The Health Minister must respond now, or perhaps he will have to respond to the rakyat later on why Malaysia is last in line for vaccines,” he said.
