Covid-19: The field hospital in Tawau is activated


TAWAU (Bernama): A field hospital is in the process of being activated at the Tawau Sports Complex Hall here.

The field hospital, which is located about 10 minutes from Tawau Hospital, is being established in collaboration with the Malaysian Armed Forces.

Chief Health Officer Tan Sri Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah (Photo), in a Facebook post on Thursday (Oct 15) said that the field hospital would be used to treat patients who do not have Covid-19 from Tawau Hospital.

“The field hospital is dedicated to providing services in obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, orthopedics and general surgery,” he said.

According to him, the activation of the field hospital would give more space to the Tawau Hospital to treat Covid-19 cases that require intensive care (categories three to five), including those derived from nearby districts, especially Semporna.

“Cases with no symptoms or with mild symptoms (categories one and two) will be placed in the low-risk Covid-19 quarantine and treatment centers,” he said.

Dr. Noor Hisham also expressed his appreciation to all parties, especially the MAF who contributed to the creation of the field hospital. – Bernama
