Covid-19: SPM quarantined, STPM students will be able to postpone exams, says Ministry of Education


PETALING JAYA: Students who are quarantined by Covid-19 or who become ill during upcoming public exams will appear for exams that were missed at a later date.

Chief Education Officer Datuk Dr. Habibah Abdul Rahim said students, including those classified as close contacts to a positive case, cannot sit for the newspaper until they are confirmed healthy.

“Candidates who are confirmed (Covid-19) positive or quarantined will not be allowed to appear for exams while quarantined or sick,” he said at a virtual press conference on school operations in 2021 on Friday (January 22). .

However, he added that they could come back for their exams after they have completed their quarantine and are free of the virus.

Candidates will be presented for the 2020 Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia, Sijil Vokasional Malaysia, Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia, Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia, Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia and Diploma Vokasional Malaysia, as well as other ministry-certified international-level exams this year.

“They must present a letter from the Ministry of Health or their doctor showing that they are in quarantine or that they tested positive before they are allowed to postpone the documents.

“These candidates will apply for a different set of jobs that have the same standard as the original set taken by other candidates.

“Those who are healthy will definitely be sitting down to read their papers as scheduled,” he said.

Habibah added that the quarantine period was about 14 days, while the examinations would take place for a month.

“Once they are better, they can sit down for the other jobs that are still in progress.

“The ministry will organize a separate session for them to take the papers (which were lost) at a later date,” he said, adding that the dates will be announced later.

Habibah said the agreement will not affect the timeline for the results to be released, as the ministry would shorten the time it takes to mark the documents.

“The ministry has also prepared a standard operating procedure on what to do for those who are healthy, have symptoms or are in quarantine.

“Those who do not physically attend school before the exams will be able to continue showing up as long as they are well,” he said.

Habibah added that parents and candidates should ensure that they are Covid-19 free before entering the exam room to slow the spread of the virus.
