Covid-19: No positive cases detected in Sarawak – SDMC


KUCHING: Sarawak did not record positive cases of Coronavirus 2019 (Covid-19) disease today, keeping the cumulative total at 543 since it was first detected on March 13.

Bintulu, which was previously a yellow zone, is now a green zone after not having any new cases in the past 14 days, the State Committee on Disaster Management (SDMC) said in a statement.

Only Kuching remains a red zone with 79 active cases.

The Committee also said that nine patients had recovered and were discharged today, bringing the total number of cases recovered and discharged to 369 so far. All nine were from Sarawak General Hospital.

Of the total of positive cases, 67.96 percent have recovered from the disease.

Regarding Person Under Investigation (PUI) cases, the state registered 57 cases on Monday, bringing the cumulative total of PUI to 5,971.

“Of the total, 42 are still pending the results of laboratory tests,” SDMC said.

There are 154 patients who are still under treatment, of which three are in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and two are in ventilation support.

Regarding the Person under Surveillance (PUS), the Committee said there were 74 new arrivals from abroad, Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Labuan registered today and now quarantined at 31 hotels across the state. . The cumulative total of PUS is 3,611.

To date, Sarawak has recorded 17 deaths from the deadly disease.
