Covid-19: Issues Full Refunds on Canceled Air Tickets Due to Pandemic, Says Mavcom


PETALING JAYA: Airlines should issue full refunds on canceled airline tickets due to Covid-19 restrictions, says the Malaysian Aviation Commission (Mavcom).

Mavcom said it was concerned about the plight of consumers who have been affected by the pandemic and the unprecedented circumstances it has created.

It said that by balancing the rights of affected consumers and the sustainability of the aviation industry, it would continue to meet its obligations, in accordance with the Malaysian Aviation Commission Act 2015 (Act 771) and the Code of Protection. Malaysia Aviation Consumer Report 2016.

“In the event that a flight has been canceled due to government restrictions imposed with the intention of curbing the spread of the pandemic, airlines, as a matter of principle, should reimburse affected consumers the amount equal to the cost of the ticket at the time of the purchase, including taxes, charges and fees prescribed by any written law and charges for optional services that have been purchased by affected consumers, “it said in a statement on Monday (February 22).

However, Mavcom also noted that airlines have been heeding requests for reimbursement from affected consumers.

He also encouraged all airlines to continue with their best efforts to issue these refunds.

“Airlines should exercise the principles of reasonableness and fairness when determining the form of reimbursement provided,” adding that this would be in the best interest of both airlines and consumers.
