Covid-19: If you test positive, stay home, wait for the ambulance


PUTRAJAYA: If your Covid-19 test results are positive but your ambulance transfer to the hospital is taking time, please stay still and stay calm at home, Health Director General Tan Sri Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah says in a press conference on Wednesday (Dec. 16).

He was commenting on claims that some patients had to wait several days before being transported by ambulance to the hospital.

He said there are certain limitations that can cause delays in transferring patients to hospitals, which could take days.

The most important thing is that the patient should stay home and stay away from other people to avoid infecting them.

“We advise everyone who has been tested for Covid-19 and believes they have been exposed to positive cases to stay home while they wait for the results.

“Let the local district health office know as well.

“Ambulances will be sent to pick you up and go to the hospitals. If there are delays, the important thing is that you stay home,” said Dr. Noor Hisham.

He said a possible reason for the delays was data integration problems between private laboratories and the Ministry of Health system.

“Many private laboratories do not have data integration with our public health information system. So with Covid-19, laboratory tests can cause a delay.

“If the result of a test in a private laboratory is positive, the data must be integrated into our system. They should report to the district health office and follow-up action will take place as soon as possible.

“There may be some limitations, so in the meantime, stay home,” he said.
