Covid-19: Governor of the Thai province of the infected hotspot


BANGKOK (AP): The governor of a province at the center of a sprawling Covid-19 outbreak in Thailand was confirmed infected with the coronavirus after meeting with public health officials, including the deputy prime minister.

Sunday’s meeting attended by the Governor of Samut Sakhon, Deputy Prime Minister Anutin Charnvirakul and others was considered low risk of spreading the virus because they all wore masks, said Dr. Taweesilp Visanuyotin, spokesman for the Covid-19 response center. .

The governor, Weerasak Wijitsaengsri, had no symptoms but would be treated in a hospital, Taweesilp said.

Anutin, who is also Thailand’s minister of public health, wrote on Facebook that he has tested negative for the virus and is in isolation at home for 14 days.

Thailand reported 144 new cases on Monday (December 28), most of them transmitted locally, and its total has reached 6,285.

The Southeast Asian country had virtually no cases beyond quarantined travelers for months, but its totals have risen since an outbreak was detected among migrant workers at a seafood market in Samut Sakhon in mid-December.

The province was blockaded on December 19. Confirmed cases related to the seafood market have been found in 43 other provinces, including the capital Bangkok.

Taweesilp said that all provinces have to work hard to control the virus situation and that the number of new infections could reach thousands a day if nothing is done to prevent the spread.

“The best way is to avoid trips and meetings.” – The Nation / Asia News Network
