Covid-19: autopsies find two positive cases in Sabah, Kedah


PUTRAJAYA: A Sabahan man who died at home and was a victim of late-stage cancer was determined to be Covid-19 positive, says the Health Ministry.

Tan Sri Health Director General Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah said the 70-year-old man passed away on September 26 and was transferred to the forensic unit at Tawau Hospital.

“A Covid-19 screening test conducted on September 29 found the deceased to be positive for the coronavirus,” Dr. Noor Hisham said in a statement on Wednesday (September 30).

The deceased is one of the two deaths in the country that were registered in the last 24 hours.

The other fatality is a 46-year-old man in Kedah who had a history of diabetes, as well as heart and kidney disease.

“The case presented symptoms on September 21. On September 28, the man suffered breathing difficulties and was taken to the emergency department at Sultanah Bahiyah Hospital in Kedah.

“The situation of the case worsened and he died the same day at 6.15 pm.

“Screening for Covid-19 later found the deceased to be positive for the virus,” said Dr. Noor Hisham.

Malaysia’s death toll is now 136.

The last time the country recorded a Covid-19-related death was three days ago, on September 26.
