Covid-19: 290 new cases, 1 death in Sarawak today


Stock photo of Bernama for illustration purposes

KUCHING (April 3): Sarawak today recorded 290 new Covid-19 cases and one death in Bintulu, bringing the cumulative number of cases in the state to 17,135 and deaths to 113, said the Disaster Management Committee of Sarawak (SDMC).

Death number 113 corresponds to a 50-year-old man who was admitted to the Bintulu hospital after his relatives found him unconscious at home. He was pronounced dead on March 29.

A sample was taken from the deceased on March 30 for an rt-PCR test, and the result came out on April 2 and was positive for Covid-19.

SDMC said the man had no history of comorbidity.

Meanwhile, the committee said that Kuching topped today’s list with 86 new registered cases, mostly contributed by a new group from Kampung Binyu, followed by Bintulu (81), Miri (36), Sibu (22), Serian ( 20), Samarahan (7). , Kapit (6), Subis (6), Julau (5), Bukit Mabong (4), Meradong (3), Marudi (3), Sarikei (2), Selangau (2), Sri Aman (2), Tebedu ( 2), Tanjung Manis (1), Tatau (1) and Belaga (1).

Detailed statistics released by SDMC showed that 57 of the total 86 new cases in Kuching were from the new Kampung Bintu Cluster, 25 from close contact screenings, one from health facility surveillance, one Import A case returning from abroad , a case of Import B that returns from other districts or states of the country, and one from another screening.

In Bintulu, out of 81 new cases, 69 were from close contact examinations, two from Jalan Tanjung Kidurong Cluster, two from Kampung Baru Hilir Cluster, one from Jalan Tanjung Cluster, six from individuals showing symptoms, and three from other examinations.

In Miri, of its 36 new cases, 18 were from close contact screening, nine from the Jalan Kingsway Cluster, three from the Lorong Desa Senadin Cluster, three from the Lorong Merpati Cluster, two from symptomatic individuals and one from surveillance center. of health.

Sibu showed a significant drop in new cases today with only 22 registered, where two were from the Bulatan Aman Group, two from the Jalan Sanyan Group, four close contact exams, three symptomatic individuals and one from another exam.

Serian recorded 20 new cases in which 12 were from the Batu Gong group, four from the Chupak group, and four from the close contact screening tests. At the same time, the seven new cases from Samarahan were from Kampung Binyu Cluster (4), Kampung Baru Hilir Cluster (1) and two from close contact examinations.

The six new cases from the Subis district were all from close contact tracing, while in Kapit, of the six new cases, five were from close contact examinations and one was from a person with symptoms.

Julau recorded five new cases in which four were detected from symptomatic individuals, while one was from a close contact examination. The four new cases in Bukit Mabong were obtained from a close contact screening examination.

Meradong and Marudi each registered three new cases, all from close contact examinations, while two new cases in Tebedu, without providing details.

Selangau also recorded two new cases in which both were from examinations of symptomatic individuals, while two in Sarikei were from close-contact examinations and other examinations each.

Sri Aman recorded two new cases where one was from the Taman Vistagro cluster and the other from the close contact examination.

Belaga and Tatau each recorded a new case, both from screening of symptomatic individuals.

In total, 2,721 active cases were being hospitalized to date, of which 427 were in the Sarawak General Hospital (SGH), Sibu Hospital and the Covid-19 Treatment and Quarantine Center (PKRC) (596), Bintulu Hospital (576), Miri Hospital (465), Limbang Hospital (4), Sarikei Hospital (133), Kapit Hospital and PKRC (70), Betong PKRC (21), Mukah PKRC (25), Serian PKRC ( 164), Lawas PKRC (1), Semuja Immigration PKRC Depot (193) and Sri Aman Hospital (46).

On the positive side, 226 cases have been recovered and discharge has been allowed in Sarawak today, where 48 were from Miri Hospital, Bintulu Hospital (48), Sibu Hospital (39), Serian PKRC (32), SGH (25), Sarikei Hospital. (21), Kapit PKRC (12), and Mukah PKRC (1), bringing the total recovery rate to date to 14,244 or 83.13 percent of the 17,135 cumulative cases in the state to date.

At the same time, Sarawak recorded 290 new People Under Investigation (PUI) cases with one still awaiting laboratory test results, while 276 People Under Surveillance (PUS) were also recorded, making a total of 5,716 cases in quarantine at 95 hotels across the state.
