Covid-19: 27 New Positive Cases Detected in Sarawak, Green Hill Cluster Emerges


20 new local transmissions were detected in Kuching, with another 7 imported cases in Sibu, Miri and Bintulu. Stock Photo

KUCHING (October 28): Sarawak today registered 27 new positive cases of Covid-19, of which 20 were local transmissions detected in the district of Kuching, while the other seven were classified as imported cases with four in Miri, two in Sibu and one in Bintulu.

The chairman of the Sarawak Disaster Management Committee, Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah, who revealed this today, also said that a new group was detected in Kuching, called the Green Hill Cluster.

Of the 20 local broadcasts in Kuching, 14 were close contacts from Case 798 reported on October 26, which is now the Green Hill Cluster index case.

“All of these (14) cases) underwent rT-PCR testing at a private medical center in Kuching, and were found positive on October 27,” he said.

He also said that these 14 cases were social contacts who had a history of encountering Case 798 at various meetings or parties in Kuching City.

The remaining six tested positive for the virus after being tested at a private hospital in Kuching and are between 19 and 54 years old. They have no history of travel to high-risk Covid-19 areas, and contact tracing is currently underway.

“As such, the total cumulative number of Covid-19 cases recorded in Sarawak so far has risen to 846 cases,” Uggah said in today’s daily update.

On the other new cases in Sarawak, Uggah said that they comprised four in Miri of which three are Import B cases and one Import C case, two Import B cases in Sibu and one Import A case in Bintulu.

The Sarawak Health Department classifies import cases as ‘Import A’ for overseas, ‘Import B’ for cases from other Malaysian states, and ‘Import C’ for cases from other districts of the state.

Regarding the cases in Miri, Uggah said that three cases were colleagues who came to Miri from Kuala Lumpur to sign up for an oil rig.

“They arrived at Miri airport on October 25 and underwent quarantine. They underwent the rT-PCR test shortly after their arrival and the test result found that they were all positive for Covid-19. They are categories such as infected cases from a high risk area or Import B ”, he added.

On Import C’s unique case in Miri, he said it involved a local man with a travel history to Kuching on October 21 and had met with Case 818, who was a contact for Case 798.

He added that this case experienced symptoms such as fever, cough and sore throat.

For the two Import B cases, Uggah said they were people who had returned from high-risk areas.

Both arrived at Sibu airport on October 25, underwent an rT-PCR test, and were undergoing the mandatory 14-day quarantine when the test results came back positive.

Uggah said one of the cases involved a man who is a vanguard with a history of traveling to Selangor, who was experiencing symptoms of fever and loss of sense of smell.

The other Import B case in Sibu involved a local woman who is a student in Johor, who had symptoms of a cough and fever.

Both cases have been admitted to Sibu Hospital for further treatment.

Regarding the only Import A case in Bintulu, Uggah said it involved a Filipino man who was working at an LNG carrier registered in Malaysia.

“This case did not show any symptoms. He had arrived in Malaysia from the Philippines on September 27 and underwent quarantine in Kuala Lumpur. His first rT-PCR test on September 27 was negative.

“He then proceeded to travel to Bintulu on October 15 and was instructed to self-quarantine there. The second rT-PCR test was carried out on October 25 and his test came back positive for Covid-19. This case is categorized as Imported A or imported from abroad based on their previous travel history, ”Uggah said.

In another matter, Uggah, who is also deputy chief minister, said that two new recoveries were reported for the day and that they were allowed to be released from hospitals.

He said the two recoveries were from Sarawak General Hospital (SGH). This brings the total number of recoveries and cases discharged to 738 or 87.23 percent of all Covid-19 cases in the state.

“The number of cases that are still treated in the isolation rooms is 89 people, of which 81 are in SGH, five in Miri Hospital, two in Sibu Hospital and one in Bintulu Hospital.”

With no new deaths reported, the death toll from Covid-19 in the state is 19 people or 2.25 percent of total cases.

Uggah also said that 33 people under investigation (PUI) were registered during the day and that one PUI is still awaiting laboratory results, while the others tested negative for the virus.
