Covid-19: 1U Parkson Temporarily Closed After Beauty Advisor Tested Positive


PETALING JAYA: Parkson’s Elite store at 1 Utama was temporarily closed for a thorough cleaning and disinfection, after one of the staff in its cosmetics and fragrances department tested positive for Covid-19.

Parkson, in a statement on Facebook on Thursday (October 8), said that Estee Lauder had confirmed that one of her beauty consultants, who works on Parkson Elite’s G floor at 1 Utama, tested positive on Wednesday (October 7). ).

After confirmation, he said that he proceeded to close the exit for a thorough cleaning and sanitation in accordance with the procedures established by the Ministry of Health.

“Our store will be temporarily closed on Thursday (October 8) to mitigate the risk of infection and will reopen tomorrow (Friday) with new equipment,” he said.

Parkson also said his staff will undergo Covid-19 testing and a 14-day self-quarantine.

“At the same time, we are also working closely with the 1 Utama mall management team and the health ministry on contact tracing to quickly trace those who might have been in contact (with the infected advisor).

“Stay strong everyone. Together we can overcome this. Please take care of yourself and stay safe, ”he added.

Meanwhile, 1 Utama, in a statement on Facebook, said that the path used by the affected staff member was the exclusive entry / exit of Parkson staff, which is not accessible to the public.

“Rest assured that our entire mall building has been sanitized, with 1 top-of-the-line Utama working very hard at all hours of the day to keep the mall clean and doing everything possible,” he added.
