Cosmetics Stores Remove ‘Clinique’ Ads Featuring Red Velvet’s Irene After Attitude Controversy


Cosmetics stores are eliminating ‘Clinique‘announcements with Red Velvet’s Irene following their attitude controversy.

Irene became the official face of ‘Clinique Korea’ in March 2020, but after editor Kang Kook Hwa’s account of Red Velvet’s mistreatment of her, many cosmetic stores have been removing any advertisements with the star. Well-known cosmetics store Young olive and online shopping center They have removed any ads or promotions with Irene for fear that their controversy could have a negative effect on sales.

On Twitter, an alleged Olive Young employee stated: “Olive Young’s headquarters posted an official announcement telling us to remove Irene from all promotional material in the store.”

However, ‘Clinique Korea’ has yet to remove any ads featuring Irene from the brand’s official Instagram. Some netizens claim that they will boycott the brand as long as Irene is an official endorsement model.

As previously reported, editor Kang Kook Hwa posted a first-hand account of how she was mistreated by a celebrity, with many netizens speculating that the person in question was Red Velvet’s Irene due to the editor’s hashtags. “Monster“Y”PsychopathIrene then personally admitted that she was the idol on the post and apologized. Since then, there have been good and bad reports of experiences with the Red Velvet member.
