Coronavirus deaths in Belgium reach 20,000, still among the highest in the world per capita


BRUSSELS (Reuters) – Belgium’s death toll from coronavirus infections, one of the highest per capita in the world, has passed the 20,000 mark, according to official data released on Sunday.

The country, home to the headquarters of the European Union and NATO, has downplayed comparisons that show it is one of the worst affected by the world’s pandemic, but virologists point to some missteps and systemic problems. A country divided by languages, Belgium grants the regions substantial autonomy and has nine ministers of health.

The Sciensano public health institute said 20,038 people died in Belgium, according to the official count as of Sunday. An average of 58 people in Belgium died from COVID-19 each day for the seven days through January 6, a 15% decrease from the previous seven-day period.

Belgium is the world’s second-highest country in deaths as a proportion of its overall population, behind the small city-state of San Marino, according to a Johns Hopkins University tracker updated Saturday.

Belgium’s government imposed stricter restrictions in October to curb a surge in infections, including a nightly curfew, compulsory work from home, and the closure of bars and restaurants, but cases have started to rise again in recent days. .

The government said on Friday it would not tighten the restrictions for now, but would review them at its next meeting on January 22, when it should become clearer how the holiday season and the reopening of schools have affected the number of cases.

(Reporting by Kate Abnett; Editing by Raissa Kasolowsky; Editing by Raissa Kasolowsky)
