Coronavirus: Dad told him to make a ‘final call’ to the family from the ICU. He wept with his wife. But he survived | UK News


A father of three children who survived COVID-19 revealed how nurses gave him 15 minutes to call loved ones in case he never left intensive care.

Darren Buttrick of Coven in Staffordshire said listening Boris Johnson’s account of overcoming the disease he had given it all back.

He told Sky News: “I had a hard time even dialing the numbers on my phone, going to the memory bank, choosing people’s numbers, calling family, calling friends, it was horrible having to explain it.

Darren Buttrick, seen after he returned home from the hospital
Darren Buttrick, seen after he returned home from the hospital

“I cried and begged the doctors and nurses before they would let me die. I begged, begged.

“And then having to tell Angela, my parents, my brothers, my sister, my family, my friends, that this could be my last conversation, I love them, it was very emotional, very distressing and I stayed there crying”.

His wife Angela said the decision to step up her intensive care treatment came as a surprise to her and her three teenage daughters.

“I just fell to the ground, it couldn’t work. As soon as I hung up the phone on it … it rang again and it was like I needed to talk to him constantly before they put it underneath.”

Darren, 48, was placed in a coma and then on a ventilator at New Cross Hospital in Wolverhampton.

He had had a fever above 40 ° C (104 ° F) and said his breathing felt like he was “strangled.”

He had no underlying health problems when he fell ill with the virus March 11th. He described those who cared for him as “angels.”

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“The only nurse looked me in the eye and said, ‘Don’t worry, we’ll save you,’ and she was stroking my arm.

“I remember her saying to me, ‘Count to 10.’ I think I got to three, and I thought maybe I would never wake up now, that I could have left. Luckily I did and went to the other side.”

Buttrick, who works for a large telecommunications company, made a full recovery, but said he has trouble forgetting what he witnessed.

“Seeing other people in intensive care during the two days I was semi-conscious, listening to the machines, seeing the people lying there with pipes, pumps, machines that kept them alive, it was horrible to see and they are probably images that remain with me Now and forever “.
