CoronaVac 50-90% Efficacy in a Brazilian Trial


RIO DE JANEIRO: CoronaVac COVID-19 vaccine developed by Sinovac Biotech Ltd of China showed 50% to 90% efficacy in Brazilian trials, Sao Paulo state health secretary said, and full trial results will be released released on January 7.

The results of the trials in Brazil are known exclusively to the biomedical research center of the Butantan Institute of the state of São Paulo, which has an agreement with Sinovac to produce the vaccine, said health secretary Jean Gorinchteyn.

The first trials showed an efficacy of more than 50%, the minimum required by the Brazilian health regulator Anvisa, and below 90%, Gorinchteyn said in an interview with CBN radio broadcast Thursday night.

At Sinovac’s request, the São Paulo health department has not received the full results of the trial from the Chinese pharmaceutical company, he said, adding that the company will review the data before announcing the final results.

Gorinchteyn said on Friday in a televised interview with the GlowboNews channel that Butantan will reveal the results of the data test on January 7.

Brazil recorded an additional 22,967 cases of the new coronavirus and 482 related deaths in the previous 24 hours, according to data from the country’s Ministry of Health on Friday.

The South American country has now recorded a total of 7,448,560 confirmed coronavirus cases and 190,488 deaths from COVID-19.

On Wednesday, Butantan had refused to specify the efficacy rate of a trial with 13,000 volunteers, citing contractual obligations with Sinovac, raising questions about transparency.

The CoronaVac vaccine was 91.25% effective in Turkey, according to an announcement Thursday of provisional data from a late-stage trial in the country.

– Reuters
