Congress Reaches Agreement on $ 900 Billion Coronavirus Rescue Package: Mitch McConnell


WASHINGTON: The US Congress agreed to a new Covid-19 relief bill of around $ 900 billion, the Sputnik news agency reported, citing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

“As the American people continue to fight the coronavirus this holiday season, they will not be alone. Congress has just reached an agreement. We will pass another rescue package as soon as possible. More help is on the way, ”McConnell said on Twitter Sunday.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, and the Democratic leader of the Senate, Chuck Schumer, confirmed Sunday that they had reached an agreement on the new bipartisan emergency package for the relief of the coronavirus and the omnibus package.

“After weeks of intense negotiation, we reached an agreement on a #COVIDrelief emergency package. It will provide emergency aid to a nation in the midst of a genuine emergency. We must make the law as soon as possible. And then we have to do even more under President Biden, ”Schumer said on Twitter.

The new package includes weekly unemployment benefits of US $ 300 (RM1,214) and stimulus checks of US $ 600 (RM2,429), as well as more than US $ 284 billion (RM1,149 billion) for the first and second forgivable PPA loan and $ 15 billion RM60.7 billion) in funding for “live venues, independent cinemas and cultural institutions,” according to a joint statement released by Pelosi and Schumer on Sunday.

The aid package also includes US $ 25 billion (RM101.2 billion) in rental assistance and provides US $ 82 billion (RM331.9 billion) in funding for universities and schools, as well as US $ 10,000. million for child care assistance.

“State and local governments will undoubtedly need additional funding to prevent senseless layoffs of heroic essential workers and critical service cuts. The agreement provides some important new targeted funding for state and local government functions that will help ease the overall budget burden. These specific funds include emergency resources for schools, (US) $ 27 billion for state highways, distressed transit agencies, Amtrak and airports, (US) $ 22 billion for state government health-related expenses, local, tribal and territorial, and an additional year of eligibility for expenditures under the CARES Coronavirus Relief Fund, ”said Pelosi and Schumer in their joint statement.

Speaking to reporters after the approval of the new package, Schumer stressed that it is “a strong shot in the arm” but that the United States still needs “a second bill to continue dealing with the emergency.” The Senate Democratic leader promised to “get a bigger, stronger bill” next year, saying it will be the number one job in the Biden administration.

In March, Congress passed the Coronavirus Relief, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) that dispenses $ 3 trillion as paycheck protection for workers, business loans and grants, and other personal help for citizens and residents that qualify.

However, in recent months, Democrats and Republicans have been embroiled in bitter disagreement over a successor CARES Act relief plan. The impasse appeared to be broken in early December after a bipartisan group of Democrats and Republicans proposed a $ 908 billion relief bill, prompting the two sides to resume negotiations.

Earlier this month, the bipartisan group proposed splitting that $ 908 billion package in two: a $ 748 billion bill with new unemployment benefits, small business assistance and other programs that have received broad support from both parties, and a second $ 160 billion bill. of highly controversial liability protections for businesses and aid for state and local governments. – Called
