Conditional MCO: Some Workers Abuse Employers’ Letters of Consent


KUALA LUMPUR (Bernama): The police have detected the actions of some workers who abused the consent letters of their employers to move without logical excuses on weekends during the conditional movement control order (MCO) that took effect on October 14th.

Sentul District Police Chief ACP S. Shanmugamoorthy Chinniah said that in such situations, the police would immediately contact their respective employers for follow-up action.

He said there were service sectors that only operated on normal days, but some employees were found to be taking advantage of the situation by using the consent letters to bypass roadblocks on weekends for personal purposes and for no logical reason.

There were also some workers who made copies of the letters for their colleagues, but it is not possible that they are all working at the same time on non-working days.

“In addition, there will also be a more careful and frequent inspection in the service sector such as the courier service,” he told reporters after monitoring CMCO compliance on several road blocks in the Sentul district today.

Shanmugamoorthy said police also detected several people who gave the excuse that they wanted to deliver packages or items by providing the related documents, but subsequent inspections showed that they were actually moving empty-handed.

So if prior to this, compounds or warnings were only given to those who disobeyed the conditional MCO, this time the same actions will be taken against their employers.

“I urge the public not to take advantage of trying to mislead law enforcement authorities for personal purposes, in our effort to curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic,” he said. – Bernama
