Complete the online student registration process, the government urges all higher education institutions


PETALING JAYA: All higher education institutions must complete their registration processes for the new semester online.

The Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) said that this should also include all teaching and learning activities, in light of the recent increase in Covid-19 cases across the country.

“Therefore, MoHE recommends that all institutions of higher learning postpone the physical registration of new and old students on campus,” it said in a statement on Friday (October 2).

This follows an earlier announcement by Minister of Higher Education Datuk Dr. Noraini Ahmad that only students from the red zones would not be able to register face-to-face at their institutions.

“For students who have been on campus and started their academic activities, they can stay on their respective campuses,” he said.

MoHE added that institutions should postpone all activities that involve mass gatherings and assist students already on campus.

The ministry also said it has been working together with airlines to find a solution for students who have already purchased their tickets to return to campus.

He said the companies agreed to allow affected students to reschedule their flights until Dec. 31.

“MoHE is very concerned about the opinions and concerns expressed by students, parents and the community with the increase in Covid-19 cases that has occurred just days after the date of admission of new students to the university.

“The concern and sensitivity of all parties to safeguard the well-being of students and the community is very necessary to face the current situation related to the Covid-19 pandemic,” he added.
