Complete assault on parliamentary system, says Ngeh


PETALING JAYA: The Perak Perikatan Nasional (PN) state government under Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Ahmad Faizal Azumu (pix) has orchestrated a complete assault on Malaysian parliamentary democratic system at the State Assembly, outgoing Speaker of Perak State Assembly, Datuk ’Ngeh Koo Ham said.

I’ve called for Ahmad Faizal and the state government to be investigated, and those involved charged in court.

“The Perak state government secretly invaded the Perak State Assembly and tampered with the microphone system in the State Assembly until they control the system rather than me,” Ngeh said in a statement.

“On numerous occasions during the proceedings, when I wanted to use the microphone, the microphone system could not be turned on.

“The microphone system was supposed to be under the full control of the Speaker of the House and I can override and determine who should be given the right to speak. It was functioning well on Sunday (May 10) when I tested it but I have no control it when I chaired the State Assembly sitting yesterday (May 12). ”

The MP for Beruas said the state government brought in about 20 men in black with intention to forcibly remove him when he was presiding the State Assembly.

There was no motion of no confidence to remove him, Ngeh said.

“These men in black have unlawfully trespassed into the State Assembly without my knowledge or consent.

“I have invited more than 20 media (only one representative this time as compared with three or four per media as was in the past because of Covid-19) to cover the State Assembly sitting but the state government refused them entry and allowed only the official media to be present. ”

Ngeh said he had instructed live streaming for the whole sitting session but it was stopped after the royal address of the Sultan of Perak.

This is so that the public won’t have access to the proceedings and they have full control over the news that will be released to the public, he said.

“Lastly, the Sergeant-at-arms, who are the State Assembly officials to maintain order and security of the State Assembly at the Speaker’s behest, were forced to turn against the Speaker and forcibly evict him from the State Assembly because they are under the payroll of the State Government. The Perak PN State Government orchestrated a mutiny within the State Assembly, ”I added.
