Companies operating in Sabah, except entertainment establishments, sports


KOTA KINABALU: The operations of entertainment venues and sports activities will only be prohibited amid the ongoing conditional motion control order (MCO) statewide.

Sabah Covid-19 spokesperson Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun (Photo) said that all companies and industries involved in the economic sector could operate, but must follow the guidelines, including hours of operation from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.

The number of staff working at any one time should be reduced by 50%, and everyone should observe standard operating procedures (SOPs) like maintaining social distancing, he said.

“At the moment, only sports and entertainment venues are not allowed,” he said, following the state government’s decision to allow all economic activities to open from Thursday (October 15).

Previously there was some confusion between the companies, and this prompted Masidi to make clarifications.

Masidi, who is the state’s Minister of Housing and Local Government and Minister of Finance II, said the confusion could have stemmed from a previous conditional MCO for the districts.

“I think they are confused with the conditional MCO SOP for the 11 districts prior to the decision to declare the state under conditional MCO on Wednesday (Oct 14).

“When the conditional MCO was extended to cover all districts in Sabah, a new SOP was introduced to replace the old one,” he said when contacted.

The statewide interdistrict travel restriction is still in effect.

Currently, only entertainment centers, nightclubs, pubs, cinemas, and gaming activities are not allowed during the conditional MCO.

He urged all business outlets to observe the SOP established by the National Security Council while operating their businesses.
