CM: Bantuan Khas Sarawakku Sayang 3.0 worth RM300 million to distribute to the S’wakians in stages


Abang Johari speaks during the special press conference. Chimon Upon Photo

KUCHING: Prime Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg today announced the aid package “Bantuan Khas Sarawakku Sayang 3.0” (BKSS 3.0) valued at RM 300 million, comprising seven measures involving more special allocations, incentives and subsidies for Sarawak people.

The first measure involves incentives for B40 household heads and Sarawakian singles aged 21 and over with a monthly income of RM2,000 or less.

At a cost of RM234 million, Abang Johari said that this incentive would be distributed after comments received by the Sarawak government that many heads of households were excluded from BKSS 1.0.

“The Sarawak government will allocate monetary aid of RM1,500 to approximately 30,000 heads of households who were not included in the BKSS1.0 list.

“I am also pleased to announce that the Sarawak government will give a one-time payment of RM500 each to 377,806 singles with an income of less than RM2,000 per month,” he said at a news conference today.

The second measure involves a special grant of RM750 for small merchants and street vendors registered with local councils through Sarawak Pay.

Abang Johari said this special grant adds to the cash assistance of RM1,500 under BKSS2.0 paid in two stages in May and July.

Since street vendors and small merchants are the most affected by the pandemic, I am pleased to announce that the Sarawak government will increase this special grant to another RM750 for them this month.

“With this additional amount, each street vendor and minor merchant will receive a total of RM2,350 through this Special Grant. I hope this helps them, since they are losing income during this period, ”he said, adding that this expense involved RM48.75 million.

The third measure involves a special monthly allowance of RM200 for a period of six months for the staff of the Royal Malaysian Customs, local councils, the Fire and Rescue Department (Bomba) and the Civil Defense Force (APM).

Abang Johari said that according to BKSS 1.0, the special assignment is granted only to personnel from the Department of Health, Immigration, Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM), State Operations Room, Malaysian Armed Forces (ATM) and RELA.

“The Sarawak government also appreciates the contributions and sacrifices made by other leaders in managing the pandemic and exposing themselves to the risk of infection in the line of duty.

“In this regard, I have agreed that the special monthly allowance of RM200 for six months is also paid to 358 staff members of the Royal Custom of Malaysia at the entry and exit points, ports and airports of the state; 870 local council personnel involved in emergency services, inspection and sanitation work; 887 Fire and Rescue Department personnel involved in emergency and sanitation work, especially in high-risk areas, and 500 members of the Civil Defense Force (APM) personnel involved in helping the police and the armed forces to guarantee the public compliance with the Movement Control Order (MCO).

“The Sarawak government will spend RM3.2 million to pay this special monthly allowance,” he said.

The fourth measure is a RM500 one-time monetary aid for owners and operators of “penambang” (ships) registered under the Sarawak Rivers Board (SRB).

Abang Johari said that those who operate “penambang” are suffering a loss of income due to the drastic fall in the number of clients, particularly tourists, and this measure is expected to benefit and reduce the financial burden on 199 registered owners and operators of “penambang “

“This will involve an expense of RM99,500,” he added.

The fifth measure involves a one-time monetary assistance of RM600 to 959 ‘van penumpang’ operators, 1,976 taxi drivers and 739 registered school bus and van operators in Sarawak.

Abang Johari said the state government is aware of the loss of income this group suffered due to the pandemic, as they had been providing the transportation service that Sarawakians and visitors to the state needed.

“This assistance implies an expense of RM2.2 million,” he said.

The sixth measure involves special grants for registered tour guides and national park guides who are now affected by the cancellation of tourist trips and the lack of need for their services in the next six months.

Aware that many of them may be out of work due to this situation, he said that the Sarawak government will allocate a one-time monetary assistance of RM1,500 to the 145 registered tour guides and national park guides in the state.

“This will involve an expense of RM387,000,” he said.

In the seventh measure, Abang Johari said that this would imply an allocation of RM1.6 million as capital expenditures for Banco Simpanan Nasional to perform Mobile Bank Branch Services in rural areas of Sarawak.

The prime minister said the Sarawak government noted the lack of access to banking services facing rural communities, especially by withdrawing cash assistance from the BKSS, Bantuan Sara Hidup (BSH) and Bantuan Prihatin Nasional (BPN).

After discussions with Bank Negara Malaysia, BSN and other financial institutions, he said that Mobile Bank branch services equipped with MEPS ATMs will operate in rural Sarawak areas.

“To begin with, the BSN mobile meter will operate in Pakan, Sarikei on May 10-11, and this service will be extended to other rural areas of Sarawak,” it revealed.

In a surprise announcement to members of the media present at the press conference, he announced that the cabinet had also agreed to a one-time attendance of RM1,500 to some 500 fraternity members.

He explained that the assistance was in appreciation for the contributions of the media, which were also exposed to the risks of Covid-19 in the line of duty.

“BKSS 3.0 involves a total injection of RM300 million into the Sarawak economy. The overall BKSS 2020 involves a total amount of RM2.55 billion.

“I hope that these measures can reduce the financial burden on our people and business communities and help them recover and regain their momentum to raise their livelihood,” said Abang Johari.

The BKSS 1.0 valued at RM1.15 billion was announced by Abang Johari on March 23 to assist low and middle income groups, while the BKSS 2.0 valued at RM1.1 billion was announced on April 10, where Special attention was paid to these problems. entrepreneurs and merchants.
