Civil actions can be brought against parody accounts


KUALA LUMPUR: Agencies or individuals affected by spoofs or fake accounts may take civil action against account holders, said the Chairman of the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), Dr. Fadhlullah Suhaimi Abdul Malek.

He said that it is the right of the individuals or agencies involved to take legal action and there are also other laws in the country that could be applied to deal with those who misuse technology, but were not under the jurisdiction of MCMC.

“Spoof stories are not only a problem in Malaysia, these parody stories are widespread both locally and abroad. It’s all the same.

“A parody account is a social media account, especially Twitter with a name / brand or logo that is almost similar to a well-known body or organization or dignitaries. It is a new trend in the delivery of fake news, to mock or insult.

“A parody account is often uploaded through a global platform, namely Twitter or Facebook that are located abroad. So the laws, whether in Malaysia or any other country, have their limitations.

“Those from abroad are difficult to eliminate, but for the people of the country, we are trying to use the approach of making our citizens morally aware, that is, they can say what they want, but do not cheat. Freedom of expression, but not freedom to lie, ”he said when he met Bernama recently.

He cited some examples of parody stories in Malaysia, such as ‘BERMANA’, which many people thought is that of the Malaysian National News Agency (Bernama) and also Jakim @ MyJAKIM, who used the same logo, but with the letter J changed to L and there was a caption “Just kidding”.

“As fans, they are not aware because when you look at the content, it is not only in the form of jokes but it also confuses the public,” he said.

BERMANA’s Twitter parody account @bermanadotcon., With 24.6k followers delivering fake news, and JAKIM’s fake Twitter account, which manipulates the verses and hadiths of the Quran, caused problems for the owners of the true owners of the accounts from Twitter, Bernama and JAKIM.

He said the investigation took some time and MCMC had reached out to Twitter and Facebook.

The public must understand that the global platform company is not in Malaysia, he added.

On October 5, the Minister of the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Seri, Dr. Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri, had asked the Department of Islamic Development (Jakim) to take appropriate action regarding a Twitter account. parody using the department’s name and logo.

MCMC, through its official website on October 6, updated the status of the Twitter account @MyJAKIM and urged the public to be more cautious with parody accounts.

“MCMC would like to express its appreciation to Twitter for its cooperation in suspending the Twitter account (parody) of JAKIM @ MyJAKIM that was found to be attempting to spread messages that insulted religion.

“The public is advised to be cautious about the existence of such fake accounts and to report it to the authorities for further action,” he said. –Called
