Choose the ‘most heartfelt parties’ – Malanjum


Ewon and Malanjum at the launch of the Upko electoral machinery in Kadamaian Square.

KOTA BELUD: The upcoming state elections are about electing the most sincere parties in defense of Sabah’s rights.

Former Chief Justice Tan Sri Richard Malanjum said this yesterday after launching the Kadamaian Upko electoral machine in Kadamaian Square here, right after the candidacy announcement.

“During this campaign period, we must remember that many parties claim that they are fighting for Sabah’s rights. But are they really sincere?

“We want local parties that are sincere in their fight to restore Sabah’s rights, not those parties that are nominating themselves to create another ‘back door’ to allow Umno to re-enter Sabah to control us. Be careful with that, ”he said.

Malanjum also said that the votes for Warisan Plus are important because it is about restoring the wealth of the Sabah state, including its rights to oil, and also returning native lands to indigenous peoples after being ignored for many decades.

About 300 members from Upko, Warisan and PKR attended yesterday’s event.

Upko is deploying the head of Kadamaian, Datuk Ewon Benedick, former Sabah Minister of Rural Development.

At GE14, Ewon won the seat under the BN ticket against four other contestants, namely Rubbin Guribah (STAR), Lukia Indan (PKR), Satail Majungkat (Pas) and Mail Balinu (PCS).
