Chinese startup Rokid sees an opportunity with smart glasses fighting Covid


HANGZHOU, China: A Chinese startup developing augmented reality products for use in manufacturing and gaming has found a promising growth area in the midst of a global pandemic: wearable glasses that measure moving temperatures.

In response to the Covid-19 outbreak in late 2019, Hangzhou-based startup Rokid developed a pair of glasses to help detect symptoms. Rokid vice president Xiang Wenjie says demand for the company’s T1 glasses, developed in just two weeks, has increased after he sold approximately 1,000 pairs to governments, industrial parks and schools.

“In addition to fixed temperature measurement, T1 can provide fast, distant, portable temperature control, which would be of great help,” said Xiang.

Equipped with an infrared sensor and a camera, the lenses allow the user to “see” people’s temperatures.

Rokid says on his website that he completed a “$ 1 billion” financing round in 2018, led by Singapore’s state investor Temasek, Swiss bank Credit Suisse and others.

The company said it is now updating the T1 to take multiple temperature readings simultaneously for use in places like shopping malls and airports.

An office park in Hangzhou is replacing the fixed supports of thermometers with glasses after an avalanche of employees who returned to work made temperature controls a headache for property management.

“With the emergence of more new products, especially these glasses, we believe that we can use them to perform non-contact temperature measurements, they are very efficient when faced with a large crowd of people,” said Jin Keli, president of Greentown Property Management.

Rokid is not the only Chinese tech startup involved in the fight against Covid-19. Thermal imaging systems created by facial recognition giant SenseTime have been installed at railway stations across China.

The new coronavirus, first detected in Wuhan, the capital of China’s central Hubei province, has so far killed more than 4,600 people and infected nearly 83,000 in mainland China. – Reuters
